

单词 policy
policypol‧i‧cy /ˈpɒləsi $ ˈpɑː-/ ●●● S3 W1 AWL noun (plural policies) Word Origin
1,3 1300-1400 Old French policie, from Late Latin politia; POLICE12 1500-1600 French police ‘document, certificate’, from Old Italian polizza, from Greek apodeixis ‘proof’
  • A new ruler might adopt a policy of drastically cutting back oil production in order to boost prices.
  • Few journalists liked Reagan's policies.
  • I make it my policy not to gossip.
  • It is not our policy to reveal our clients' names.
  • Most large companies these days operate an equal opportunities policy.
  • The Cuban revolution resulted in a reassessment of Washington's policy towards the Third World generally.
  • the government's policy on Europe
  • US foreign policy
  • Your homeowner's policy probably doesn't cover damage to your house from mudslides.
  • Evaluations of policies are conducted through research and expert analysis supported by the Presidium's administrative staff.
  • McBride can put his luck down to criticism from scribes down south earlier in the season, rather than bad selection policy.
  • On the other hand, not every organization needs a formal policy in order to be prepared.
  • Tax policy would be ruled by stubborn one-third minorities, many among them cruising for policy payoffs to drop their opposition.
  • The only exception to this new policy would be Visa cards.
a set of actions for achieving something in the future, especially a set of actions that has been considered carefully and in detail: · Leaders outlined a plan to end the fighting.
a secret plan to do something bad or illegal, made by a group of people: · There was a plot to assassinate the president.· a terrorist conspiracy
British English an official plan that is intended to help people: · The government has introduced a new scheme to help young people find work.
a carefully designed plan which is intended to achieve a particular purpose over a long period of time: · the company’s business strategy· The government’s economic strategy has been criticized by many experts.· We need to develop effective strategies for combating the sale of counterfeit goods.
a new plan for dealing with a particular problem or for achieving a particular aim: · a peace initiative· a major new initiative to tackle street crime
a plan that members of a government, political party, company etc agree on, that states how they intend to deal with a particular subject or problem: · the government’s immigration policy· It’s company policy to allow people to work from home.
British English, program American English a series of activities that a government or organization organizes, which aims to achieve something important and will continue for a long time: · a five-year programme which will create 2,000 new jobs· federal programs for low-income housing
Longman Language Activatora plan to do something
something that you have decided to do, and the methods you will use to do it: · Her plan is to finish her degree and then go and teach in Japan.plan to do something: · The school has plans to build a computer centre.plan for: · NASA has announced plans for a new space mission to Mars.business/career etc plan: · You can't get a loan to start a new company if you don't have a good business plan.make plans: · By January, many people are already making plans for their summer holidays.go according to plan (=when things happen exactly as you intended): · Everything went according to plan, and we all crossed the river safely.a plan falls through (=when you cannot do what you intended to do, because something unexpected happens): · There was an airline strike in India, and all our plans fell through at the last minute.plan A/plan B (=use this when you are saying that you have two possible plans, in case the first one is not successful): · Plan A obviously wasn't going to work, so we had to resort to plan B.
informal a detailed plan explaining exactly how to achieve something: · Here's my game plan, Roger. I want to make the magazine a monthly, and cut it down to sixty or seventy pages.decide/devise/put forward etc a plan of action: · If the problem continues, discuss a plan of action with your colleagues.
a carefully designed plan for achieving something that is difficult and may take a long time: strategy for doing something: · We need a new strategy for increasing our sales in Europe.· Murdoch bought several TV stations, as part of his strategy for building a media empire.strategy of: · The rebels' strategy of guerrilla warfare has been remarkably successful.a/an campaign/economic/military etc strategy: · the President's long-term economic strategy
British /program American a series of activities, organized by a government or other large organization, that is designed to achieve something important and will continue for a long time: programme of: · The irrigation project is part of a programme of aid to West Africa.training/research/space etc programme: · It's a major research program, aimed at developing cheaper fuels.launch a programme: · The government has launched a programme to help unemployed young people find work.
a plan or set of principles agreed by the members of a government, a political group, a company etc, that says how they intend to deal with a particular subject or problem: · It is not our policy to reveal our clients' names.environmental/monetary/economic etc policy: · Most large companies these days operate an equal opportunities policy.· US foreign policy (=towards other countries)policy on: · the government's policy on Europepolicy towards: · The Cuban revolution resulted in a reassessment of Washington's policy towards the Third World generally.policy of: · A new ruler might adopt a policy of drastically cutting back oil production in order to boost prices.
British an official plan that is intended to help particular groups of people, for example people who are very poor, without jobs, or who need a better education: scheme to do something: · Several organizations run schemes to help women find work after their children have started school. a training/literacy/resettlement etc scheme: · The government's Youth Training Scheme soon ran into difficulties.· Adult literacy schemes have been run with great success in the inner cities.
a plan that shows exactly what things you will spend a particular amount of money on: household/food/advertising etc budget: · Mum always worked out the household budget according to what we could afford.· The company has had to cut £46,000 from its advertising budget.over/under budget (=having spent more or less than the amount planned): · Several of our recent projects have been wildly over budget.· The renovation work to St George's Hall was completed six months ahead of schedule and under budget.budget deficit (=a situation in which more money has been spent than is available): · Texas faces a budget deficit of over $4 billion.balance the/your budget (=make sure that only the money available is spent): · The council has said that jobs will have to be cut in order to balance the budget.
a completely new plan for important changes or ways of dealing with a problem: blueprint for: · Conservation groups have suggested a blueprint for a "Green World".· A panel of advisors is urging The White House to adopt a blueprint for dealing with such emergencies.
accident insurance, act of God, nounactuary, nounagainst all risks, adverbagreed-value insurance, all-risks, adjectiveall-risks insurance, annuitant, nounannuity insurance, assurance, nounautomobile insurance, average clause, average statement, aviation insurance, benefit, nounblanket insurance, block insurance, Blue Shield, nounbroker's lien, buildings and contents insurance, business interruption insurance, business liability insurance, capital sum, capital surplus, car insurance, casualty insurance, certificate of existence, nouncertificate of insurance, nounChartered Financial Consultant, nouncivil commotion, nounclassification society, nounCLU, coinsurance, nouncoinsure, verbcomprehensive insurance, contingency insurance, cover, verbcover, nouncoverage, nouncover note, nouncredit insurance, death futures, declaration insurance, deferment period, disability insurance, encash, verbendowment policy, nounengineering insurance, excepted perils, nounexpense ratio, export insurance, extended coverage, face amount, fidelity insurance, fire insurance, floater, nounfloating insurance, flood insurance, free of particular average, adjectivefriendly society, noungeneral average contribution, group insurance, health plan, nounhomeowner's insurance, household insurance, indemnify, verbindemnity, nounindustrial injuries insurance, Institute Clauses, nounInstitute of London Underwriters, nouninsurance adjuster, nouninsurance broker, nouninsurance policy, nouninsurance premium, nouninsure, verbinsured, adjectiveinsurer, nounliability insurance, life assurance, nounlife insurance, nounlike-for-like, adjectiveloading, nounlong-tail, adjectiveloss adjuster, nounmarine insurance, material fact, nounmedical insurance, moral hazard, mortgage protection insurance, motor insurance, National Insurance, nounno-claims bonus, nounopen insurance, particular average, policy, nounpremium, nounpremium income, property and liability insurance, protection, nounreinsure, verbrenewal premium, risk, nounsalvor, nounsubrogation, nounsurrender value, term insurance, third party, fire and theft insurance, travel insurance, underwrite, verbunderwriter, noununemployment insurance, valued insurance, whole-life insurance, with profits, adjective
· Government spending is determined by government policy.
· State ownership is party policy.
· It is not company policy to offer refunds.
· Support for human rights is a key element in our foreign policy.
· The middle classes have suffered most as a result of government economic policies.
· Our energy policies must put the environment first.
· Some customers pursue a deliberate policy of delaying payment.
· There was no clear policy on this matter.
(=one in which all the parts of the policy work well together)· A long-term coherent policy for industry is needed.
· We try to formulate policies that will meet the needs of the people.
(=decide what it will be)· A committee of representatives makes policy.
(=develop it or have an influence on it)· These terrorist acts will not be allowed to shape our foreign policy.
(=use one)· He adopted a policy of radical reform.
(=take action in the way that has been decided)· Local government is responsible for implementing central government policy.
(=continue with a policy over a period of time)· The organization is pursuing a policy of cost cutting.
(=stop a policy and change it)· The new government set about reversing previous policies.
(=tries to achieve something)· The policy aimed to reduce the budget deficit.
policy + NOUN
· No policy decision can be made until the next meeting.
· There has been no policy statement on this from the French government.
· There have been numerous policy changes in recent months.
· He rarely consulted him on general policy issues.
(=someone who decides on what it should be)· Policy makers have not dealt with the issue very effectively.
· How can we best achieve our policy objectives?
(=something done to achieve a policy's goals)· The policy initiatives have focused on the inner cities.
· This decision represented a major change in policy.
(=a small change)· The shift in policy placed more emphasis on teachers' assessments of students' progress.
(=a change back to what it was before)· The strength of this opposition forced a rapid reversal of policy.
Meaning 2NOUN + policy
· Is the damage covered by your insurance policy?
(=one that will pay out money if you die)· New homeowners must usually buy a life policy before they can get a mortgage.
British English (=one that will pay out money if things in your home are damaged or stolen)· Most basic contents policies cover accidents to mirrors.
(=arrange it)· People with children should take out a life insurance policy.
(=buy it again, especially regularly)· The policy must be renewed every year.
(=will pay out money in relation to it)· The policy does not cover dental bills.
(=pays you money when you claim it)· I thought my insurance policy would pay out.
 The college has a very selective admissions policy. the admissions officer
· It is not company policy to give that information.
· It is important that nature conservation issues are taken into account.
· the controversial plan to build a new airport
· Ministers in Brussels have been discussing a possible European defence policy.
(=policy relating to your own country)· The president’s foreign and domestic policies have been criticized.
(=the way in which a government manages the economy of a country or area)· Controlling inflation is the main aim of the government’s economic policy.
(=political plans for managing an education system)· The teaching unions are calling for the government to review its education policy.
 He espoused a variety of scientific, social and political causes.
 Sound (=good) fiscal policies are required to combat inflation.
 America’s foreign policy
 He formulated Labour Party education policy in 1922.
 We have decided to implement the committee’s recommendations in full.
British English (=government controls on wages)· Government control of the economy must include an effective incomes policy.
(=an insurance agreement)· This insurance policy represents excellent value for money.
 The UN adopted a more interventionist approach in the region.
 The British government may have to abandon its policy of non-intervention.
(=what happens when a particular policy is used)· A number of factors affect policy outcomes.
(=a political party’s official plan or position on important subjects)· There has been a change in party policy.
 the main plank of their argument a central plank of our policy
 a competitive pricing policy
· The organization is pursuing a policy of cost cutting.
· She is pressing the government to reverse its policy.
· The policy review proposed radical changes to the system.
· The policy shift was triggered by a sharp increase in violent crime.
· The problems of industry will only be solved by sound economic policies.
(=one that explains a government policy)· In his first major policy statement to Parliament he promised to end corruption in public life.
 Before taking a loan out, calculate your monthly outgoings.
 the government’s economic and taxation policy
· There is a policy vacuum on climate change.
 These are issues that would only interest policy wonks (=people interested in details of government).
· In his domestic policies, President Kabbah took a number of controversial steps.· All have been principally domestic policies.· However, the key factor has been domestic agricultural policies which protect indigenous agriculture for security or political reasons.· Second, these new sources of instability complicate domestic stabilization policy and may make it less effective.· President Clinton had a lousy May, in both domestic and foreign policy.· In both of these instances policy makers would have to take these developments into account in formulating and applying domestic stabilization policies.· Traditionally, domestic policy was sharply differentiated from foreign policy.· A similarly circular process has been under way in several areas of foreign and domestic policy.
· Following the coup the ruling junta made few changes to economic policy.· The debacle of the 1971-3 property boom clearly demonstrated the significant extent to which city development was impacted by national economic policy.· The rise of corporate power is a direct result of governments' actively adopting neoliberal economic policies.· High-level ministers have talked openly about increasing aid to agriculture and shifting economic policy from one of stabilization to one of growth.· There is probably no better example of an industry and a sector in which economic policies are causing so much damage.· Huang was employed at Lippo for nine years before he joined the Commerce Department as deputy assistant secretary for international economic policy.· Rather, the critical determinant of economic policy has been the hidden or not so hidden hand of political priorities.· The Solidarity trade union staged a nationwide day of protests against government economic austerity policies on May 22.
· Real convergence Despite the relatively good progress on fiscal and monetary policy, progress on real convergence has been poor.· Both ministers said exchange-rate stability would depend on national fiscal policies.· Sterling was linked to gold and the gold standard ensured price stability. Fiscal policy was conservative.· Fourth, by pushing up interest rates, fiscal policy can push up the exchange rate of the currency.· In this context, special interest is attached to the role of fiscal and monetary policy in the generation of cycles.· Its monetary and fiscal policies would short-circuit recessions and promote vigorous growth.· The preceding discussion suggests that the operation of Keynesian fiscal policy should pose few problems.· However, for 14 years this government's thinking on fiscal policy has concentrated on short-term remedies.
· It was essentially a scheme which would have entailed the coordination of foreign and defence policies outside the Treaty of Rome.· The address to the foreign policy group included little that the candidate had not articulated in other forums.· Each of these domestic vulnerabilities translates into a fragile, retrospective foreign policy that, in turn, fuels local frailties.· He has emphasized foreign policy in rare stump appearances.· Theories of international relations influence those who decide foreign policy.· Such a cramped view of foreign policy leaves military pressure as the only plausible means of persuasion.
· Since 1979 privatisation in Britain has emerged as a significant plank of industrial policy.· Since he resigned as defence secretary over the Westland helicopter affair in 1986, he has campaigned for an active industrial policy.· The incoming Socialist government announced its intentions to link industrial policy with planning and macro-policy.· Gordon Brown used it when he talked about the need for an industrial policy.· This example shows that intelligent industrial policy and competition policy must work hand in hand.· In such circumstances, an industrial policy that seeks faster and more efficient rationalization of the sunset industry may be advantageous.· On the other hand Tsongas, another centrist sceptical of big government, espoused an industrial policy which distanced him from Clinton.· Particular attention will be paid to how these were linked to civil research and development and industrial policies.
· Short-term monetary control: what should governments attempt to control? Monetary policy may be off target.· At points this chapter steps outside the traditional boundaries of economics, and discusses some psychological problems in making monetary policy.· Anyway, as elections approached it was not always politically desirable to have a tight monetary policy.· Environmental laws may also slow the effect of monetary policy by lengthening construction periods. 5.· Government also jumped on the bandwagon, first with wage restraint policies and later with restrictive monetary policies to reduce inflationary pressures.· The Bundesbank central council meets tomorrow to debate interest-rate and monetary policy.· Consequently, there is little need to prevent cheating by making the government's announced monetary policy constitutionally binding.
· A Tory Transport Secretary pledging a national transport policy and oodles of public money for services that don't make money.· Furthermore, he may not be fully in command of national policies.· It also has a major say in academic provision, student welfare, accommodation and national education policy.· And their influence on national policy has been pronounced.· In the case of local politics, should this mean more than just the local implementation of national policy?· Almost all phases of national policy came under attack at the hearings.· Community policies, and expenditures upon them are of course not perfectly substitutable for alternative national policies.· Monroe was an irreconcilable opponent of national policy and a recognized leader of the rebel portion of the white population.
· Immediately after announcing details of the new industrial policy Singh presented his first budget to the Lok Sabha.· He found that 81 percent of the insurers will write new policies only to consumers whose homes meet strict underwriting guidelines.· Hugh, therefore, had been an initiator of the new policy even before its official promulgation.· Shore challenged the regional and new towns policies of the post-war period which had encouraged economic and population dispersal.· With the new set-aside agricultural policies, there is a possibility that cultivated parks can be put back to pasture.· He failed to inform the State Department or his Secretary of State of the new policy.· However, our role may need to broaden and develop in response to new policies and programmes introduced by Ministers.· Fidelity yesterday announced a new policy prohibiting its managers from discussing specific companies with the media.
· Local government; Public policy and decision making.· The court also ruled that no public policy bars men from fathering children posthumously.· He submitted that the undercover exercise, lasting as it did for some three months, was contrary to public policy.· But the Clintons would have had more success if they had followed the traditional system for setting public policy.· Bioethicists disagree among themselves, both in the clinical setting and on matters of public policy.· The emphasis will be on explaining and analysing how public policies are made, with the Treasury as the focus of attention.· In our democracy, the making of public policy is usually reserved for duly elected legislative bodies.
· Third, there is the number of jobs created directly and indirectly as a result of regional policies.· Fox has voiced support for President Bush's call for a regional energy policy.· But the station was praised for its regional opt-outs policy.· There is now considerable overlap between what district councils are doing and what regional policy is attempting to achieve.· An active regional and social policy.· In other ways the activities of the councils tend to conflict with regional policy and weaken its effects.· It is partly because of that false economics that the Conservatives have never had a regional policy.
· In contrast to all other social welfare policies, public assistance programmes for the poor are the most controversial.· The absence of any concept of family accounting has resulted in some very misguided ideas about social policies.· To this principle of social policy, add a principle of government.· Is it legitimate social policy to discourage childbearing?· But his officials are stirring up their own controversy over social policy.· He needs to find the courage to take such a stand in the name of decent social policy as well.· The stresses of family life and difficulties in parenting lie in structures of disadvantage and social policies which reinforce inequalities.· Beveridge argued that other social policies were necessary to underpin his insurance scheme.
· Much depends on company policy and philosophy.· The official reason was that I accepted a gift from a vendor, something which I was told violated company policy.· This would parallel any company policy on not giving out personal telephone numbers but instead routing calls through the switchboard.· Workshops on the law and company policies.· This review covers not only the individual site needs but also items of group interest and company policy reviews.· Advancement may be accelerated by participation in company training programs to gain a broader knowledge of company policy and operations.· It is also Company policy to encourage the spread of information regarding developments affecting both an employee's workplace and Company wide.· These programs familiarize trainees with the production line, company policies and procedures, and the requirements of the job.
· It was in this way that he made many of his policy decisions.· To base a major policy decision on shoddy science has never been acceptable.· This led to battles with senior management who questioned the status of the policy decision to implement the new system.· Those are the personal standards of reference that Dole would bring to policy decisions in the Oval Office.· For already domestic class forces were being invented and manipulated at will to validate policy decisions.· This type of arrangement relieves the firm of the need to make additional credit policy decisions.· The policy decision was to maintain the sterling area, above all in its 1940 form as a zone of exchange control.· On a continuum of possible policy outcomes, locate the preferred policy decision of each group. 3.
· Defence budgeting and procurement do not move along different tracks from defence policy as a whole.· But, first, a distinction should be drawn between national grand strategy, Defence policy and current military strategy.· In foreign and defence policy its role is of especial importance.· Labour have opposed our defence policies at every turn.· That is why the Opposition's defence policy is incredible.· On each occasion, however, the currents flowing in world affairs swung Defence policy back to a more balanced Maritime/Continental course.
· Old liability insurance policies that were in effect at the time of the relevant incidents can be valuable.· Companies usually have insurance policies covering theft, he said.· A building society savings account may be held with a second competitor and an insurance policy with a third.· The first one contained an insurance policy, the second a will.· Worst still, she was planning to cash in on Ivor's insurance policies.· The risk was considered such that the Host Committee took out a $ 400 million insurance policy for the helicopter stunt.· This is a form of insurance policy for me.· Taking their caps was his insurance policy.
· The third policy issue is of a nature more specific to management development.· The foundation organized thousands of town meetings around the country to pulse people on public policy issues and possible solutions.· We support the priority given to these key policy issues and would again recommend the formula we suggested in 2.2.· Corddry was known for his consistent excellence in reporting on defense and foreign policy issues.· The housing needs of the elderly, in particular, must be a prominent policy issue in years to come.· Explicit presidential discourse on policy issues was exceedingly rare.· Answer: many policy issues admit to no immediately-obvious solution.· With the current economics of nuclear power, this should prove to be a relatively straight forward policy issue.
· What approach should regulators and policy makers adopt, and on what basis should they decide?· These policy makers are the ones who decide whether or not to continue a program or to decrease or increase its funding.· But not if policy makers insist on fighting the battles of the past.· Fed policy makers conclude a two-day meeting Wednesday at which most economists expect them to lower the short-term interest rates they control.· The old system had certain advantages for members, investors, and policy makers.· As far as the research institute directors and policy makers of tomorrow.
· The rise of corporate power is a direct result of governments' actively adopting neoliberal economic policies.· There is only one good solution to capital flight: shaky governments must restore confidence by adopting sensible policies.· Their purpose is to influence government to adopt policies favourable to them.· Northern whites tolerated this repression and, in fact, adopted these policies when expedient.· On practically every issue the Comintern found itself in the role of an infallible body which had adopted a manifestly fallible policy.· Many of the proposals outlined there appear extreme and have not been adopted as policy.· They do not want to adopt accounting policies that are liable to land them in front of it.· He also agreed to adopt policies on affirmative action and ethics.
· Similarly, changing dividend policy to yield more cash for investment needs to be handled with care.· Still, the administration's willingness to change its policy carried symbolic weight.· It is not to change the policy or feel some humility about 12 years of failure.· You must have a majority to change the ward policy.· Anyhow Mercurial Rev Paul, are you trying to tell us that we should change our official devil-worshipping policy?· This means that more people will be vulnerable to age discrimination if employers do not change their policies.· He said the United States was changing its historic policy in the region.
· Some local political parties are also appointing working groups to develop election policies.· Analysts assist in developing procedural guidelines and policies governing the development, formulation, and maintenance of the budget.· In many parts of the world, we have developed innovative policies on quality and customer service.· Its services help financial institutions develop privacy policies that are consistent with Gramm-Leach-Bliley.· We have done much to develop regional policies over the past decade.· If the Police Commission approves the helicopter program, the department will develop policies regarding their use.· Age Concern believes that the Department of Health should develop a policy and issue national guidelines on the provision of such care.· The United States can learn from other Western democracies that have developed policies that effectively protect their children from poverty.
· Many have been formulating charging policies for services other than residential and nursing care.· However, they sharply disagreed with the administration over the criteria used in formulating the policy.· His duties are to prepare the estimates of expenditure for all committees of the council after the council have formulated its policy.· That would be a major breakthrough and would certainly assist us in formulating our policy as we move towards government.· It must initiate, formulate and direct general policy.· They formulate policies acceptable to their supporters and provide options for voters and those more directly involved in government to choose from.· I played my own small part in formulating Labour Party policy in this area.
· At the end of the day most departments have to be left alone to implement policies.· But while there is agreement on the benefits of this approach, there is not much information on implementing such a policy.· In principle, the National Bank has the function of implementing these policies.· The parties produce manifestos and when elected in a majority seek to implement their policies.· It can only do this if it implements its plans and policies flexibly, rather than according to formalized rules.· When it comes to implementing key settlement policies, local authorities have considerable resources at their disposal.· We need electoral reform so that a minority government with a 100seat advantage can not implement the extremist policies of the Eighties again.· The doctrine of political neutrality seeks to implement it through a policy of neutrality.
· The rest of the media reflected this view of an activist President keenly pursuing a policy he deeply believed in.· At other times, it has pursued a policy of letting the pound float.· Some Guardians pursued the new policy more vigorously than others.· They will vigorously pursue their policies to combat drug trafficking and misuse of drugs, nationally and internationally.· Many councils have investigated, and some have actually pursued, such policies of privatisation, or contracting out.· The Government have pursued policies which have added to and certainly not loosened women's shackles.· It is only to be regretted that the Committee has not pursued this policy with sufficient boldness and consistency.
  • Can a school board adopt a policy prohibiting dancing at school?
  • He also agreed to adopt policies on affirmative action and ethics.
  • It is essential that these countries, too, adopt policies that will help to protect the Ozone Layer.
  • It is very hard convincing powers like the World Bank to adopt policies that truly help the poorest.
  • No-Layoff Policies Perhaps the best way to secure union cooperation is to adopt a policy of no layoffs.
  • Their purpose is to influence government to adopt policies favourable to them.
  • This structure can neither impose law upon its members nor force one of them to adopt a policy with which it disagrees.
  • Ultimately, planners adopted a policy of non-violence.
  • Following assessment of the responses to our discussion paper, we will bring forward legislation to achieve this.
  • Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke wants to bring forward plans to change the law in the new year.
  • It will bring forward legislation in the coming parliamentary session to introduce student loans, partially replacing grants, from autumn 1990.
  • At the moment few organizations have comprehensive policies or programs of team rewards in place.
  • Drive defensively and have comprehensive insurance.
  • Fully comprehensive insurance, maintenance and servicing costs etc. are also not included.
  • One manager told me it would be more economic to give everyone comprehensive cover.
exam-setter/policy-setter etc
  • The uncertainty of such stop-go policies arguably reduced business confidence and discouraged investment.
  • Members of the scheme also benefit from a third party insurance, for a premium of £2 a year.
  • With some landowners now looking towards insisting on third party cover for climbers, insurance is increasingly looking indispensable.
1[countable, uncountable] a way of doing something that has been officially agreed and chosen by a political party, a business, or another organizationforeign/economic/public etc policy a foreign policy adviser The company has adopted a strict no-smoking policy.policy on/towards government policy on higher education US policy towards Chinait is (somebody’s) policy to do something It is hospital policy to screen all mothers with certain risk factors. see thesaurus at plan2[countable] a contract with an insurance company, or an official written statement giving all the details of such a contract:  an insurance policy There’s a clause in the policy that I’d like to discuss. I’ve just renewed the policy (=arranged for it to continue). Does the policy cover theft and fire? You can take out a policy (=buy one) for as little as $11.00 a month.3[countable] a particular principle that you believe in and that influences the way you behaveit is somebody’s policy to do something It’s always been my policy not to gossip.COLLOCATIONS– Meaning 1ADJECTIVES/NOUN + policygovernment/public/state policy· Government spending is determined by government policy.party policy· State ownership is party policy.company/hospital/university etc policy· It is not company policy to offer refunds.foreign policy· Support for human rights is a key element in our foreign policy.economic/fiscal policy· The middle classes have suffered most as a result of government economic policies.defence/energy/housing etc policy· Our energy policies must put the environment first.a deliberate policy· Some customers pursue a deliberate policy of delaying payment.a clear policy· There was no clear policy on this matter.a coherent policy (=one in which all the parts of the policy work well together)· A long-term coherent policy for industry is needed.verbsformulate/develop a policy· We try to formulate policies that will meet the needs of the people.make policy (=decide what it will be)· A committee of representatives makes policy.shape policy (=develop it or have an influence on it)· These terrorist acts will not be allowed to shape our foreign policy.adopt a policy (=use one)· He adopted a policy of radical reform.implement a policy (=take action in the way that has been decided)· Local government is responsible for implementing central government policy.pursue/follow a policy (=continue with a policy over a period of time)· The organization is pursuing a policy of cost cutting.reverse a policy (=stop a policy and change it)· The new government set about reversing previous policies.a policy aims at something/to do something (=tries to achieve something)· The policy aimed to reduce the budget deficit.policy + NOUNa policy decision· No policy decision can be made until the next meeting.a policy statement· There has been no policy statement on this from the French government.a policy change· There have been numerous policy changes in recent months.a policy issue· He rarely consulted him on general policy issues.a policy maker (=someone who decides on what it should be)· Policy makers have not dealt with the issue very effectively.a policy objective· How can we best achieve our policy objectives?a policy initiative (=something done to achieve a policy's goals)· The policy initiatives have focused on the inner cities.phrasesa change of/in policy· This decision represented a major change in policy.a shift in policy (=a small change)· The shift in policy placed more emphasis on teachers' assessments of students' progress.a reversal of policy (=a change back to what it was before)· The strength of this opposition forced a rapid reversal of policy.COLLOCATIONS– Meaning 2NOUN + policyan insurance policy· Is the damage covered by your insurance policy?a life policy/life insurance policy (=one that will pay out money if you die)· New homeowners must usually buy a life policy before they can get a mortgage.a contents policy British English (=one that will pay out money if things in your home are damaged or stolen)· Most basic contents policies cover accidents to mirrors.verbstake out/buy a policy (=arrange it)· People with children should take out a life insurance policy.renew a policy (=buy it again, especially regularly)· The policy must be renewed every year.a policy covers something (=will pay out money in relation to it)· The policy does not cover dental bills.a policy pays out (=pays you money when you claim it)· I thought my insurance policy would pay out.




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