

单词 blessedness
blessedbless‧ed /ˈblesɪd/ adjective Examples
  • Blessed are the peacemakers.
  • a few minutes of blessed silence
  • I couldn't remember a blessed thing.
  • We are truly blessed.
  • And I hadn't thought of the blessed man in the last two hours - at least barely thought.
  • And then there was blessed stillness.
  • Drink was always a problem for some executioners, though it doubtless provided a blessed relief from their horrific duties.
  • I tasted the blessed rain on my lips, drinking it even while the People complained.
  • Once a standing position has been attained, the face above will come as a blessed relief!
  • The pudding went down like a dream, in blessed silence, and Christopher and Francis disappeared to brew coffee.
  • Through that illusion she had walked with blessed speed, and out beyond it into a world of other possibilities.
[usually before noun] connected with God and religion, and therefore treated in a special way – used especially in the following phrases: · the Holy Bible· the holy city of Mecca· a Hindu holy man· They believe they are fighting a holy war.· The priest puts some holy water on the child’s head.
connected with God and religion, and therefore treated in a special way – used especially in the following phrases: · This place is sacred to both Jews and Muslims.· In India, cows are considered sacred.· the Hindu sacred texts· sacred music· a sacred ritual
relating to or coming from God: · the divine right of kings· divine justice· divine providence· Human love should be a reflection of divine love, and so not be selfish or cruel.
relating to the soul, the spirit, and religion, and not with physical things or ordinary human activities: · Your spiritual life is far more important than any material things you could acquire.· the spiritual leader of the Tibetans
a hallowed place is considered to be very holy: · He was buried in hallowed ground.· The Golden Temple is Sikhism’s most hallowed shrine.
made holy by God – used especially about saints: · the blessed Virgin Mary
Longman Language Activatorto have a particular feature, quality, or ability
also have got especially British · Although she's eighty she has an excellent memory.· Kids have wonderful imaginations, and it is natural for them to create imaginary friends.· The hotel only had two double rooms and they were both occupied.· The jacket has two side pockets and two more pockets inside.· Her brother's got long dark hair and blue eyes.
use this after a noun to describe the qualities or features that someone or something has: · We booked a room with a sea view.· The company needs more people with marketing experience.· Katrina's over there in front of that man with red hair.
use this to describe the things that a place has: · It's a big house - there are five bedrooms.· There are lots of old temples and gardens to visit in Kyoto.· There's an Olympic-sized swimming pool on campus.
formal to have a particular ability, feature, or quality: · He possessed an unusual ability to learn languages quickly.· Like all towns and villages on Trinidad, it possessed a cricket ground.· The Western Highlands possess a beauty and a majesty found nowhere else in Britain.
especially written if someone or something is of a particular feature, quality, or ability, they have that feature etc, especially if it is something good: · Father was a man of great integrity and honesty.· an area of outstanding beauty· She was an actress of great skill.
formal to have special advantages, conditions, abilities etc that are better than the ones that other people or things have: · Some of the workers enjoy a relatively high degree of job security.· When first introduced on the market, these products enjoyed great success.
to have something such as a useful ability, a good feature, or an important advantage - used formally or humorously: · Londoners are blessed with some of the very best Thai restaurants in the country.· Justine was unfortunately not blessed with a sense of humour.· Few gardens are blessed with an ideal site.
formal to have something good, especially a natural ability or social advantage: · Hugh was young, handsome, and endowed with the privileges of class and education.· Jefferson wrote that all citizens were endowed with "the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
if something such as a place, organization, or object boasts a good feature, it has that feature - used especially in advertisements and literature: · The golf course is surrounded by hills and boasts some of the finest scenery in the country.· Each luxury home boasts an indoor pool and three-car garage.
acolyte, nounafterlife, nounagnostic, nounangel, nounanimism, nounanoint, verbapostasy, nounapostate, nounarchangel, nounbelieve, verbbeliever, nounbell-ringer, nounbless, verbblessed, adjectiveblessing, nouncelebrant, nounChristian Science, nouncircumcise, verbcircumcision, nouncommunion, nounconfession, nounconvent, nounconversion, nounconvert, nouncoreligionist, nouncowl, nouncredo, nouncreed, nouncult, noundaemon, nounDecalogue, noundefrock, verbdeism, noundenomination, noundenominational, adjectivedevotee, noundevotion, noundevotional, adjectivedevout, adjectivedivine, adjectivedivinity, noundruid, nounfaith, nounfast day, nounfeast, nounfervour, nounfiesta, nounfollow, verbfrankincense, noungentile, noungod, noungoddess, noungrace, nounhabit, nounhair shirt, nounhallelujah, interjectionhallowed, adjectivehalo, nounheathen, adjectiveheathen, nounheaven, nounheavenly, adjectivehell, nounheresy, nounheretic, nounhermit, nounhermitage, nounheterodox, adjectivehigh priest, nounidol, nounidolatry, nounincarnation, nounincense, nouninfidel, nounintercession, nouninvocation, nouninvoke, verbirreligious, adjective-ism, suffixlayman, nounlaywoman, nounlibation, nounliturgical, adjectiveliturgy, nounmartyr, nounmartyr, verbmeditate, verbmeditation, nounmission, nounmonastery, nounmonastic, adjectivemonk, nounmonotheism, nounMoonie, nounMormon, nounMosaic, adjectivemystery play, nounmystic, nounmystical, adjectivemysticism, nounneophyte, nounnovice, nounnovitiate, nounnuminous, adjectivenun, nounnunnery, nounoblation, nounobservance, nounoffering, nounOlympian, adjectiveordain, verborder, nounorthodox, adjectiveotherworldly, adjectivepagan, adjectivepagan, nounpantheism, nounpantheon, nounParsee, nounpilgrim, nounpilgrimage, nounpious, adjectivepluralism, nounpolytheism, nounpractise, verbpray, verbprayer, nounprayer wheel, nounpreach, verbpreacher, nounpriest, nounpriestess, nounpriesthood, nounpriestly, adjectiveprophet, nounprophetess, nounpurify, verbRasta, nounRastafarian, nounRastaman, nounRE, nounrecant, verbreincarnation, nounreligious, adjectivereligiously, adverbreliquary, nounrepent, verbretreat, nounrevelation, nounrevivalism, nounrite, nounritual, nounsacred, adjectivesacrifice, nounsacrifice, verbsacrificial, adjectivesanctify, verbsanctity, nounsanctuary, nounsanctum, nounsatanism, nounscripture, nounsect, nounsectarian, adjectiveservice, nounshaman, nounShinto, nounshrine, nounsin, nounsin, verbsinful, adjectivesinner, nounsoul, nounspirit, nounspiritual, adjectivespiritualism, nounspirituality, nounSr, sun god, nounsuppliant, nounsupplicant, nounsupplication, nounSupreme Being, nounTao, nounTaoism, nountemple, nountenet, nounthanksgiving, nountheism, nountheo-, prefixtheocracy, nountheologian, nountheological college, nountheology, nountonsure, nountranscendental, adjectivetranscendental meditation, nountransmigration, noununbelief, noununbeliever, nounungodly, adjectiveunholy, adjectiveunorthodox, adjectivevisionary, nounvoodoo, nounvotary, nounworship, verbworship, noun
1[only before noun] spoken used to express annoyance:  Now where have I put that blessed book?2[only before noun] very enjoyable or desirable:  a few moments of blessed silence3holy:  the Blessed Virginblessedly adverbblessedness noun [uncountable]




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