

单词 realm
realmrealm /relm/ ●○○ noun [countable] Word Origin
1200-1300 Old French realme, from Latin regimen; REGIMEN
  • new discoveries in the realm of science
  • But they do not exist in some half-real realm, neither fully actual nor merely possible.
  • Family stories reach into even more private realms of experience to warn and instruct, however subliminally.
  • Feminism exists outside the realm of political instrumentality, as an idea.
  • It is true that mathematical laws, if they exist, must exist in a quasi-Platonic realm of pure thought.
  • One possible source of change lies in the political realm.
  • The fourth and final section takes leave of society to look at the realm of theory.
  • Word processing on the Macintosh has always bordered on the realm of page makeup and recent announcements here only serve that view.
Longman Language Activatoran area of knowledge, duties, study etc
an area of knowledge, activity, or responsibility: · They fund research in areas like information technology.area of: · The President has won new support because of his reforms in the areas of health and education.· Nordstrom does research in the area of heart disease.
a subject or area of study, especially one that you know a lot about: · Keith has a degree in engineering, but couldn't find a job in his field.the field: · Laycock is one of the most brilliant psychiatrists in the field.field of: · There are good employment opportunities in the field of healthcare, particularly nursing.
one part of a large area of study or knowledge: branch of: · Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics.· He's interested in the branch of international law that deals with war crimes.
an area of activity or work - use this especially when talking about all the people who work in that area: business/fashion/hi-tech etc world: · Jaffrii is now one of the richest and most successful men in the business world.· the fashion worldthe world of something: · the fast-paced world of technology
formal an area of activity, interest, or knowledge to which something belongs: · The abortion issue has shifted from the political to the religious domain.male/female domain: · In the US, manual labor remains a male domain.
formal a general area of thought, interest, or knowledge: · the spiritual realmthe realm of something: · new discoveries in the realm of science
an area of activity, interest, knowledge etc, especially one that people consider should be respected or admired: · Mitchell's greatest achievements have been in the diplomatic sphere.in scientific/political etc spheres: · She has a solid reputation in scientific spheres.
absolutism, nounadministration, nounagency, nounagent, nounagent provocateur, nounalderman, nounally, nounassembly, nounautarchy, nounautocracy, nounautocrat, nounautonomous, adjectiveautonomy, nounban, nounbaron, nounbig government, nounbilateral, adjectivebody politic, nounbudget, nounbureau, nounbureaucracy, nouncabinet, nouncaliphate, nouncanton, nouncanvass, verbcapital, nouncapitalist, nounCapitol Hill, nounCBE, nouncede, verbcentral, adjectivecentral government, nouncentralism, nouncentralize, verbchancellery, nounchancery, nouncharter, nouncharter, verbchief, nounCIA, the, city hall, nouncity-state, nounclient state, nounCo., coalition, nouncold war, nouncolonial, adjectivecolonial, nouncolonialism, nouncolonize, verbcolony, nouncommissioner, nouncommune, nounconsort, nounconstitution, nounconstitutional, adjectiveconstitutionality, nounconvention, nouncoronation, nouncount, nouncounterintelligence, nouncountess, nouncounty, nouncounty council, noundecolonize, verbdemocracy, noundemocratic, adjectivedependency, noundespotism, noundétente, noundethrone, verbdevolution, noundictatorial, adjectivedictatorship, noundiplomacy, noundiplomatic immunity, noundirective, noundisinformation, noundispatch, noundispensation, noundissent, verbdistrict council, noundocumentation, nounDOD, dominion, nounDowning Street, noundynasty, nounearl, nounearldom, nounempire, nounEuro, adjectiveEurope, nounexecutive, nounexecutive privilege, nounfall, verbfall, nounfederalism, nounfeudal, adjectivefeudalism, nounfeudalistic, adjectivegazette, nounhead of state, nounhigh commission, nounimperial, adjectiveindependence, nounindependent, adjectiveinfrastructure, nouninstigate, verbinsurgent, nouninsurrection, nounintelligence, nouninternal, adjectivejunket, nounjunta, nounkingdom, nounkingship, nounkitchen cabinet, nounland office, nounland registry, nounlegation, nounlegislature, nounlicensed, adjectivelocal authority, nounlocal government, nounmaharajah, nounmaharani, nounmandate, nounmandated, adjectivemartial law, nounMBE, nounmeasure, nounmidterm, nounministry, nounminority government, nounmisrule, nounmonarchy, nounmonolith, nounmonolithic, adjectivemoratorium, nounmouthpiece, nounmove, verbmover, nounmunicipal, adjectivemunicipality, nounNASA, nounnational, adjectivenational debt, nounNational Health Service, the, nationalize, verbnational monument, nounnation state, nounNATO, nounneocolonialism, nounneutral, adjectiveneutral, nounneutralize, verbnon-aligned, adjectivenon-intervention, nounnon-proliferation, noun-ocracy, suffix-ocrat, suffixofficiate, verboligarchy, nounoperational, adjectiveoperative, nounoverthrow, verboverthrow, nounoverturn, verbpacify, verbpact, nounpalatinate, nounpardon, nounparish, nounpartition, nounpass, verbpeer, nounpeer, verbpeerage, nounpeeress, nounpermit, nounplenary, adjectiveplutocracy, nounpolice state, nounpolitburo, nounpolitical science, nounpolity, nounpork, nounpork barrel, nounportfolio, nounpossession, nounprecinct, nounprefecture, nounpremiership, nounpresidium, nounprotectorate, nounpublic, adjectivepublic service, nounquota, nounR, ratify, verbrealm, nounrecall, nounrecognition, nounrecognize, verbregency, nounregent, nounregime, nounregister, nounregulation, nounrelease, nounrepeal, verbrepresentative, nounrepressive, adjectiverepublic, nounrepublican, adjectiverescind, verbreunify, verbrevoke, verbrising, nounroyalist, nounruling, adjectivesanction, nounseat, nounsecret agent, nounsecurity service, nounself-governing, adjectiveself-rule, nounsheikh, nounshire, nounsocial democracy, nounsocialist, adjectivesocial service, nounsovereign, adjectivesovereignty, nounspin doctor, nounstaff, nounstate, nounstatehood, nounStatehouse, nounstate line, nounstate of emergency, nounstatewide, adjectivesubject, adjectivesubject, verbsultanate, nounsummit, nounsuperpower, nounsuppress, verbsupranational, adjectivesurgery, nounsuzerainty, nountechnocracy, nounterritory, nounthrone, nountopple, verbtotalitarian, adjectivetown planning, nountownship, nountransit visa, nountreaty, nountribalism, nountripartite, adjectivetrusteeship, nountsarism, nountyrant, nountzarism, noununconstitutional, adjectiveunification, noununify, verbunilateral, adjectiveunion, nounUnion Jack, nounvassal, nounVIP, nounviscount, nounviscountess, nounwelfare state, nounWhitehall, noun
· Consequently, the notion of force becomes a link between the metaphysical and physical realms.· The philosophy of homeopathy is based on the holistic idea that the mental and physical realms are inseparable.· In the physical realm, the nutrition and the mainline medicine were part of it, but more was needed.· The physical realm is the realm of contingent, temporal, concrete and fuzzy particulars.
· In the public realm Christians identified themselves almost without reservation with the political and social order of the Roman empire.· His was too literary, and now too deliberate, a talent to flourish in the public realm of the theatre.· As civic republicanism asserts, the individual can exert a meaningful existence within society in the public realm.
· These beautiful buildings, along with a whole realm of cultivated human intellect, are closed to the vast majority of humankind.· In other words, marriage is a picture in miniature of the whole realm of the Gospel.· Such feelings belong to a whole realm of events and reactions often stretching back many years to our earliest days.
· They would regard the question of the initial conditions for the universe as belonging to the realm of metaphysics or religion.· Undoubtedly the most modern method devised to preserve human bodies might well be said to belong to the realm of science fiction.· Such feelings belong to a whole realm of events and reactions often stretching back many years to our earliest days.· It would be up to the scientists to decide which is the viable option and which belongs to the realm of science fiction.
· Here we almost enter the realms of the calligrapher.· Jarmila Kratochvilova and her teammates enter the athletic realm on male terms.· And then he said something which, entering the realms of my own modest experience, I knew to be wrong.· This is a complex question; any complete answer necessarily leaps the boundary of facts and enters the realm of values.· This starts out as sensible cost-saving and value.engineering but imperceptibly the boundary is crossed arid we enter the realm of skimping.· Though he was not yet prepared to admit it, he had tried and failed to enter the realm of marriage.· One seemed bolder than the others and came so close that it began to enter the realm of ordinary vision.
· One possible source of change lies in the political realm.
· First, in talking of adding all truths at once we seem to have moved firmly into the realm of fiction.· It for ever remains unalterable in form as it moves through the celestial realm in eternal rotation.· Thereafter his researches had moved into the realms of fantasy.· The receipts from his shows have long since moved from the realms of the fantastic into those of the ludicrous.
  • It was actually within the realms of possibility.
1 written a general area of knowledge, activity, or thought:  the spiritual realmrealm of an idea that belongs in the realm of science fiction2within the realms of possibility (also not beyond the realm(s) of possibility) used, often humorously, to say that something is possible even though you think it is not very likely:  I suppose it’s not beyond the realms of possibility.3literary a country ruled by a king or queen




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