

单词 Big Man on Campus
Big Man on CampusˌBig Man on ˈCampus noun [countable] American English informal word sets
AA, nounacademia, nounacademic, adjectiveacademic, nounacademy, nounalum, nounalumna, nounalumni, nounalumnus, nounassistant professor, nounAssociate of Arts, nounassociate professor, nounaudit, verbBA, nounbachelor's degree, nounBig Man on Campus, nounblue book, nounbrother, nounBSc, nounbursar, nounbursary, nouncampus, nounCantab, chair, nounchancellery, nounchancellor, nounclass, nouncoed, nouncommencement, nouncommunity college, nounconservatoire, nounconservatory, nounconvocation, nouncourse, nouncredit, nouncum laude, adverbdean, noundean's list, noundiploma, noundissertation, noundoctor, noundoctoral, adjectivedoctorate, nounDoctor of Philosophy, noundon, noundorm, noundormitory, noundouble first, noundown, adverbelective, nounexaminer, nounextension, nounextramural, adjectivefaculty, nounfinancial aid, nounfirst class, noungrad, noungrad school, noungraduate, noungraduate, verbgraduate, adjectivegraduate school, noungraduation, nounGRE, nounGreek, nounhall, nounhall of residence, nounhaze, verbhigher education, nounhomecoming, nounhonor roll, nounhonours degree, nounintercollegiate, adjectiveintramural, adjectiveIvy League, the, adjectivejoint honours, nounjunior college, nounlectureship, nounLLB, nounLLD, nounLLM, nounMA, nounmagna cum laude, adjectivemajor, nounMaster of Arts, nounMaster of Science, nounmaster's, nounmaster's degree, nounmatriculate, verbmature student, nounMBA, nounMEd, nounmedic, nounmedical school, nounMFA, nounmidterm, nounMilitary Academy, nounminor, nounMLitt, nounmortarboard, nounMPhil, nounM.Sc., nounOpen University, the, option, nounoral, nounOxbridge, nounPhD, nounPhi Beta Kappa, nounpledge, nounpledge, verbpoly, nounpolytechnic, nounpost doctoral, adjectivepost-grad, nounpostgraduate, nounpostgraduate, adjectivepractical, nounprof, nounprofessor, nounprofessorial, adjectiveprofessorship, nounProvost, nounqualified, adjectivequarter, nounrag, nounread, verbreadership, nounredbrick, adjectiverush, verbrush, nounsandwich course, nounschool, nounsemester, nounseminar, nounseminary, nounsenate, nounsenior, nounsingle honours, nounsophomore, nounsorority, nounspring break, nounstate university, nounstudent union, nounsubject, nounsumma cum laude, adverbsummer school, nounsurvey course, nounsyllabus, nountech, nountechnical college, nountenure, nountermly, adjectivetertiary education, nountheological college, nounthesis, nounthird, nounthird class, nountutor, nountutorial, nountutorial, adjective2.1, nountwo-two, nounU., undergraduate, noununi, nounUniv., university, nounupperclassman, nounupperclasswoman, nounvac, nounvacation, nounvarsity, nounvice-chancellor, nounvisiting professor, noun
an important and popular male student at a college or university, especially someone who is good at sports




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