

单词 barbiturate
barbituratebar‧bi‧tu‧rate /bɑːˈbɪtʃərət $ bɑːrˈbɪtʃərət, -reɪt/ noun [countable, uncountable] Word Origin
WORD ORIGINbarbiturate
1800-1900 barbituric acid type of acid (19-21 centuries), from German barbitursäure, from Barbara female name + säure ‘acid’
  • Also, an overdose of barbiturates can severely depress the central nervous system and lead to death.
  • Certain mixtures of drugs can be deadly, for example, alcohol plus barbiturates.
  • Drugs such as anticoagulants, antacids, barbiturates, alcohol and tobacco may increase the likelihood of the condition developing.
  • However, anyone tolerant to barbiturates, alcohol, and other general central nervous system depressants show some cross-tolerance to benzodiazepines.
  • Once the first line of treatment for insomnia, barbiturates have now been almost completely abandoned for this use.
  • She died at age 44, with barbiturates in her blood and a plastic bag over her head.
  • The cause of death was given as a combined overdose of barbiturates and alcohol.
  • This finding is consistent with other reports showing that restitution of the damaged mucosa takes place in barbiturate anaesthetised rats.
word sets
anabolic steroid, nounanaesthetic, nounantacid, nounantibiotic, nounantidepressant, nounantidote, nounantihistamine, nounanti-inflammatory, adjectiveantitoxin, nounaspirin, nounbalm, nounbalsam, nounbandage, nounbandage, verbBand-Aid, nounbarbiturate, nounbatch, nounBCG, nounbelladonna, nounbeta-blocker, nounbismuth, nounbooster, nouncaffeine, nouncapsule, nouncastor oil, nounchemotherapy, nounclinical, adjectivecodeine, nouncondom, nouncortisone, nouncough mixture, noundepressant, noundisinfect, verbdisinfectant, noundispensary, noundispense, verbdispensing chemist, noundiuretic, noundosage, noundose, noundose, verbdraught, noundrip, noundrug, noundrug, verbdruggist, noundrugstore, nounear drops, nounemetic, nounemollient, adjectiveEpsom salts, nouneucalyptus, nounexpectorant, nounfluoridate, verbfluoride, nounfolic acid, noungripe water, nounhallucinogen, nounhemlock, nounherbal, adjectiveherbal medicine, nounhypnotic, nounimmunize, verbinfusion, nouninhalant, nouninhaler, nouninject, verbinjection, nouninoculate, verbintravenous, adjectiveiodine, nounlaxative, nounlotion, nounlozenge, nounmagnesia, nounmedicament, nounmedicated, adjectivemedication, nounmedicinal, adjectivemedicine, nounmelatonin, nounmethadone, nounmilk of magnesia, nounmorning-after pill, nounmorphia, nounmorphine, nounnarcotic, nounnarcotic, adjectiveneedle, nounniacin, nounnicotine patch, nounobstetrician, nounointment, nounopiate, nounopium, nounoral contraceptive, nounoverdose, nounover-the-counter, adjectivepack, nounpainkiller, nounparacetamol, nounpastille, nounpatch, nounpatent medicine, nounpenicillin, nounpharmaceutical, adjectivepharmaceuticals, nounpharmacist, nounpharmacology, nounpharmacopoeia, nounpharmacy, nounplacebo, nounprescribe, verbprescription, nounpurgative, nounquinine, nounRDA, nounreaction, nounremedy, nounrubbing alcohol, nounsalve, nounsedation, nounsedative, nounsenna, nounserum, nounside effect, nounsleeping pill, nounspecific, nounsteroid, nounstimulant, nounstrychnine, nounsuppository, nounsurgical spirit, nounsyringe, nountablet, nountake, verbThalidomide, nountherapist, nountincture, nountonic, nountranquillizer, nountruth drug, nounvaccinate, verbvaccine, nounValium, nounVaseline, nounwitch-hazel, noun
a powerful drug that makes people calm and helps them to sleep




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