

单词 animatedly
animatedan‧i‧ma‧ted /ˈænɪmeɪtɪd/ adjective Examples
  • As he talked about her, his face became animated.
  • As the evening went on she became quite animated, talking and laughing with the other girls.
  • Mike tends to be more animated in the presence of women.
  • Peter was engaged in an animated conversation at the bar.
  • Stephan's animated eyes widened at the mention of Patricia.
  • The two Americans were having an animated discussion about basketball.
  • Although the music was animated, only the arms moved.
  • Broadly speaking, constructing an animated movie, such as Tom and Jerry, can be broken into three main procedures.
  • Hilda seemed to be getting more animated as her own bafflement and distress increased.
  • Warner Brothers has bought the rights to the animated Oscar winner.
  • Yet in the 1870s, Batty Green was the centre of animated activity.
Longman Language Activatorhappy and energetic
cheerful and active: · She was a lively and adventurous girl - not one for a quiet life.· As a speaker, he was articulate, lively, and funny.
a woman or girl who is vivacious has a lot of energy and a happy and attractive manner: · Laura was an all-American type -- cute, blonde, vivacious.· He married a vivacious girl called Sarah who he met at university.
full of interest and energy, especially when talking to someone: · Mike tends to be more animated in the presence of women.become animated: · As the evening went on she became quite animated, talking and laughing with the other girls.
to feel happy and lively, and to show this by the way you behave: · Stephen was a normal boy of seven, full of life and fun.· Before the accident he had been a cheerful, confident man, full of life.
informal to feel happy, energetic, and eager, and to show this by the way you behave: · I wish I was one of those people who are full of beans first thing in the morning.· You'd never think she'd been ill -- she came bouncing in this morning, full of beans.
to feel full of energy, happy, and free: · After the divorce she felt really alive for the first time in her life.· I only feel truly alive when I'm outside, in the open air.
energetic activities, behaviour etc
involving a lot of physical activity: · Pete was lying on his bed, resting after an energetic game of tennis.· I don't feel like doing anything very energetic this evening. I've had a tiring day.
using a lot of energy and strength: · Next there was a vigorous Russian dance, with plenty of stamping of feet and clapping.vigorous exercise: · According to a recent survey, a quarter of people over twelve get no vigorous exercise at all.
: tireless efforts/work etc work that always involves the same high level of effort: · The prisoners were finally released, thanks to the tireless efforts of their families and friends.
full of quick, energetic movement and therefore exciting or enjoyable: · A group of children entertained us with a lively dance called a tarantella.· Any question about taxation is likely to produce a lively debate in parliament.
full of excitement and strong feelings - use this especially about conversations: animated conversation/discussion etc: · The two Americans were having an animated discussion about basketball.· Peter was engaged in an animated conversation at the bar.
a face that shows a lot of feeling
showing very clearly what a person thinks or feels: · She is a wonderful actress, with striking, expressive features.· He would use his expressive face to bring the stories to life.
showing a lot of lively interest or excitement: · As he talked about her, his face became animated.· Stephan's animated eyes widened at the mention of Patricia.
British a mobile face is one that can change its expression quickly in a way that is attractive: · She has an extraordinarily mobile face and an infectiously comic manner.
types of film
a film that is intended to make you feel frightened, for example one in which people get attacked by strange creatures, or in which dead people come to life
informal a film that is intended to make you feel frightened, in which people are suddenly violently attacked and killed
a film that is intended to make you laugh and usually has a happy ending
a film about life in the future, often with people or creatures who live in other parts of the universe
a film that tells an exciting story about murder or crime
a film about cowboys and life in the 19th century in the American West
a film about people fighting a war
a film that has a lot of exciting events in it, for example people fighting or chasing each other in cars
a film about people who are on a long journey in a car, and the adventures they have while they are travelling
a film that is intended to make you laugh, about two people who meet and have a romantic relationship
a film made using photographs of models or drawings, which are put together to look as if they are moving
a long film in which a lot of things happen, for example one about a period in history or the whole of someone's life
 The performance was followed by an animated discussion.
· And when that didn't work, he had an animated discussion with team manager Maurizio Mancini before stamping off.· One tapestry, for instance, shows an Elf and a Dwarf in animated discussion.
  • All the energy and excitement in this live-action remake of the much-loved Disney animated film went into merchandizing and marketing.
  • Application Discuss animated cartoons with your students.
  • Beauty and the Beast was the first animated film ever nominated for a Best Picture Oscar.
  • Give them the following information: Every time you see an animated cartoon you are seeing a series of pictures.
  • The two animated films are the No. 1 and No. 2 top-selling movie videos of all time.
  • There is a large selection of animated cartoons produced for children.
1showing a lot of interest and energyanimated discussion/conversation The performance was followed by an animated discussion.2animated cartoon/film/feature etc a film or programme that shows pictures, clay models etc that seem to be really moving:  an animated Disney filmanimatedly adverb




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