

单词 afferre



α. Old English afearra (Northumbrian), Old English afeorran (rare), Old English aferran (rare), Old English affirran, Old English afierran, Old English afirran, Old English afyrran, Old English anefirde (past tense, transmission error), Old English ateored (past tense, transmission error), late Old English æfirran, late Old English æfyrran, late Old English afiorran (Kentish), early Middle English afirre, early Middle English afyrre, Middle English aferre, Middle English–1500s afferre.

β. Old English afearrian (Anglian), Old English afeorrian, Old English afirria (Northumbrian), Old English afyrrian, late Old English æfiorrian, late Old English afeorian, late Old English aferrian, early Middle English afyrȝe.

Origin: A word inherited from Germanic.
Etymology: A merging of two distinct words: (i) (represented by the α. forms) an Old English weak verb of Class I (afierran ), cognate with or formed similarly to Old High German arfirren , irfirren to remove (something), to take (something) away, to dispel (something) < the Germanic base of or- prefix (compare a- prefix1) + the Germanic base of Old English firran to remove, take away (see far v.); and (ii) (represented by the β. forms) an Old English weak verb of Class II (afeorrian ) < a- prefix1 + Old English feorrian to go away, depart (see far v.). Compare adrive v., affese v.The Old English (West Saxon) form (afierran ) of the Class I verb shows breaking of Germanic i to io before r plus consonant, and subsequent i-mutation to ie (late West Saxon y ); in Kentish io was not subject to i-mutation, and was retained (usually merging with eo ), whereas in Anglian breaking failed in this environment and the usual form is afirran (see A. Campbell Old Eng. Gram. (1959) §154.3). The rare form aferran may perhaps show a Kentish variant with retraction of original i to u after a labial consonant, and subsequent i-mutation to y (later e ); see A. Campbell Old Eng. Gram. (1959) §149 note 2. In Old English the expected form of the stem vowel of the weak Class II verb is eo in all dialects; forms with stem vowel ea show (typically non-West Saxon) unrounding of the second element of the diphthong. Forms such as afearra at α. forms and afirria at β. forms show confusion of the two verbs already in Old English. With the spellings in aff- compare discussion at af- prefix.
1. transitive. To take away, remove. Also: to snatch away, seize and carry off.
eOE (Mercian) Vespasian Psalter (1965) lxxxvii. 18 (19) Elongasti a me amicum et proximum : ðu afeorrades from me [OE Paris Psalter me afyrdest] freond & ðone nestan.
OE tr. Medicina de Quadrupedibus (Vitell.) viii. 260 Ða swylas þe beoð on mannes handum..smyre mid þam wætan þe drype of..rammes lungenne; hraþe heo hy onweg afyrreð [?a1200 Harl. 6258B afirreð; L. tollit].
OE Rec. Gifts of King Æðelstan to St. Cuthbert's, Chester-le-Street in A. J. Robertson Anglo-Saxon Charters (1956) 48 Ic Æþelstan cyning selle þas boc into sancto Cuðberhte, & bebeode on Godes noman..þæt hio næfre nan monn of þisse stowe, mid nanum facne ne reaflace, ne afirre.
OE Wærferð tr. Gregory Dialogues (Corpus Cambr.) (1900) i. ix. 69 Heo hæfde henna..ac þa hire afyrrde [OE Otho afirde] & bereafode an fox, se com geneahhe naht feorran.
a1500 Sir Degrevant (Cambr.) (1949) 710 (MED) Þou comyst armid on werre, To maydenus to afferre.
2. transitive. To drive out or away, expel; to cause to flee.
the world > movement > motion in a certain direction > going or coming out > letting or sending out > let or send out [verb (transitive)] > expel
to cast out1297
to cast fortha1382
to shoot forth, out, awaya1400
to catch forthc1540
to turn out of ——1562
to put by1600
out of1656
to manage (a person) out of1907
OE (Northumbrian) Lindisf. Gospels: Mark i. 34 Demonia multa eiciebat : dioblas menigo he fordraf ut uel afirde.
OE Christ & Satan 67 Crist heo afirde, dreamum bedelde.
OE Arundel Psalter li. 7 Propterea deus destruet te in finem, euellet te et emigrabit te de tabernaculo tuo : forþon god towurpeþ þe on ende ute unluceþ þe & aweg afirreþ þe of getelde þine.
c1400 (?a1300) Kyng Alisaunder (Laud) (1952) l. 6138 (MED) He miȝth þise wynne, Oiþer destroye, oiþer aferre, Þat hij ne made in þis werlde werre.
3. intransitive. To go away, depart; to move away, withdraw. Also transitive (reflexive) in same sense.
the world > movement > motion in a certain direction > going away > go away [verb (reflexive)] > to some distance
eOE (Mercian) Vespasian Psalter (1965) lxx. 11 (12) Deus ne elonges a me : God ne afearra ðu from me [OE Cambridge Psalter ne afyrret from me, lOE Canterbury Psalter ne afiorre þu fram me].
eOE (Mercian) Vespasian Psalter (1965) lxxii. 22 (27) Quia ecce qui elongant se a te peribunt : forðon sehðe ða afirrað [OE Arundel Psalter afeorraþ, lOE Canterbury Psalter afeorriað] hie from ðe forweorðað.
OE (Northumbrian) Rushw. Gospels: Mark v. 17 Rogare eum coeperunt ut discederet a finibus eorum : bidda hine ongunnan þætte he afirde [OE Lindisf. afirrade] from gemærum hiora.
OE Wærferð tr. Gregory Dialogues (Corpus Cambr.) (1900) iii. xxiv. 227 He sylfa þus cwæð: ic afeorrode þa & gemettrumode manega dagas [L. et ego elangui et aegrotaui per dies plurimos].
c1380 Sir Ferumbras (1879) 5565 (MED) Ac or þay afferrede hem oȝt myche þen, Mo þan an C of þe heþemen Had hy tweyne a-slawe.
1511 H. Watson tr. Noble Hist. King Ponthus (new ed.) sig. F.iii They afferred eche frome other, & came agayne as faste as theyr horses myght dryue.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2012; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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