

单词 θ136397
the mind > emotion > anger > irritation > be or become irritated [verb (intransitive)] (18)

intransitive. To grow hot. Also figurative.

fume and chafec1522

figurative. To give way to or exhibit anger or irritation. Often in phrase fume and chafe, fret and fume. Also with up.


figurative. To wax warm (in temper); to be angry, to rage; now usually, to display irritation of temper and impatience of restraint or obstacles…

to fret and fume1551

intransitive for reflexive. To distress oneself with constant thoughts of regret or discontent; to vex oneself, chafe, worry. Often with additional…


intransitive. Of a person: to feel emotionally hurt or bitter, (now) esp. to continue to do so for a long time; to fret angrily or rancorously.

to lose patience, one's temper1622

To incur the privation of (something that one possesses or has control of); to part with through… To fail to maintain (a position, a state of mind…


intransitive. To express resentment, jealousy, etc. (at a person); to lose one's temper, throw a tantrum. Obsolete. rare.

to have no patience with1682

to have no patience with: to be unable to tolerate; to be irritated by.


intransitive. To stir with anger or impatience.

to be out of the way (with)1740

to put (a person) out of his (her,etc.) way (also to put (a person) out of the way): to disturb, inconvenience, trouble; (formerly also) †to…


intransitive. To set up one's prickles like a hedgehog; in quot. 1792 figurative.


intransitive. To become irritated or annoyed. Also with up. Obsolete.

to get one's dander up1831

Ruffled or angry temper; in to get one's dander up, etc.

to set up one's jay-feathers1880

esp. in Scottish phrase to set up one's jay-feathers (see quot.).


intransitive. With up. Of a person: to become angry or irritated.

to get off one's bike1939

Australian and New Zealand colloquial. to get off one's bike: (usually in negative contexts) to get annoyed or angry. Frequently as imperative, as do


— express irritation (1)
— express irritation by movement (1)




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