

单词 candlemas


Forms: Old English–Middle English candel mæsse, Middle English candelmasse, candelmesse, Middle English candelmas, Middle English candil-masse, Middle English candilmesse, candilmas, condulmas, Middle English candylmesse, 1500s candylmas, 1500s–1700s candlemass, 1500s– candlemas.
Etymology: Old English candelmæsse , < candel candle n. + mæsse mass n.1 In Icelandic kyndilmessa: compare medieval Latin candelaria, French chandeleur, German lichtmesse.
1. The feast of the purification of the Virgin Mary (or presentation of Christ in the Temple) celebrated with a great display of candles.
the world > time > period > year > [noun] > specific days of the year
May Day1267
All Souls' Dayc1300
midsummer evena1400
midsummer eve1426
quarter day1435
Lord Mayor's day1591
Barnaby bright1595
All Saints' Night1607
Handsel Monday1635
distaff's day1648
long Barnabya1657
St. Valentine's eve1671
All Fools' Day1702
Boxing Day1743
April Fool's Day1748
Royal Oak Day1759
box day1765
Oak-apple Day1802
All Souls' Eve1805
mischief night1830
Shick-shack Day1847
chalk-back day1851
call night1864
Arbor Day1872
April Fool's1873
Labour Day1884
Martinmas Sunday1885
call day1886
Mother's Day1890
Father's Day1908
Thinking Day1927
Punkie night1931
Tweede Nuwejaar1947
society > faith > worship > liturgical year > feast, festival > specific Christian festivals > Candlemas > [noun]
Saint Mary dayc1300
the Purification (of Our Lady, of the Virgin Mary, etc.)1389
1014 Anglo-Saxon Chron. Her on þissum geare Swegen geendode his dagas to candel mæssan iii nonas Febr.
c1230 [see Compounds].
c1325 Metr. Hom. 155 The first nam es Candelmesse, The tother Maryes clensing esse, The thred Cristes meting es cald.
c1410 N. Love tr. Bonaventura Mirror Life Christ (Gibbs MS.) ix Þis feste of þe puryficacioun þat is cleped candelmasse.
1500 Ortus Vocabulorum in Cath. Angl. 52 The feest of candelmas, or meetynge of candelles.
1590 H. Barrow & J. Greenwood Coll. Sclaunderous Articles F iiij b Your solempne & double feasts of your hollomass, Christmass, Candlemass.
1879 T. F. Simmons Lay Folks Mass Bk. 242 (note) Candles were offered at Candlemas and certain other festivals.
2. The date of this feast, February 2nd. It is one of the quarter-days in Scotland.
a1123 Anglo-Saxon Chron. anno 1101 Ðises geares eac se b' Rannulf to þan[m] Candel mæssan ut of þan[m] ture on Lunden nihtes oðbærst.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 7706 Tatt daȝȝ mang ennglisshe menn Iss kanndellmesse nemmnedd.
a1475 Bk. Curtasye (Sloane 1986) l. 838 in Babees Bk. (2002) i. 327 Fro alhalawghe day To candelmesse.
1631 R. Brathwait Whimzies xxiv. 199 Hee holds all Bonds bearing date at Lammasse, Michaelmasse, Candlemasse, or any Masse whatsoever, to be frustrate and of no effect; but by changing masse into tide, they become of full force and vertue.
1817 W. Scott Rob Roy I. vi. 135 I wad say for certain, that I am gaun to quit at Cannlemas.
1876 J. Grant Hist. Burgh Schools Scotl. ii. xiii. 469 The old quarterly terms for paying the school fees were, Lammas, Hallowmas, Candlemas and Beltane.


attributive and in other combinations, as candlemas-day, candlemas-eve, candlemas-even, candlemas-night, candlemas-season, etc., and in Scottish candlemas-ball, candlemas blaze, candlemas crown, candlemas king, candlemas offering (see quots.).
c1230 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Corpus Cambr.) (1962) 210 Condelmeasse dei.
1389 in J. T. Smith & L. T. Smith Eng. Gilds (1870) 54 After candilmesse day.
a1475 Bk. Curtasye (Sloane 1986) l. 394 in Babees Bk. (2002) i. 311 Bryng in fyre on alhalawgh day, To condulmas euen, I dar welle say.
c1525 R. Arnold Chron. (new ed.) sig. Ci Candylmas day next after the kynge and the sayd duke of burgoyn bare theyr candyls.
1655 H. L'Estrange Reign King Charles 129 February the 2d. (you may if you please call it Candlemas night) had been time out of minde celebrated at Court with somewhat more then ordinary solemnity.
1843 T. Carlyle Past & Present ii. vii. 101 In that Candlemas season.
1857 Chambers's Information for People (new ed.) II. 466 Candlemasday is a holiday at the public offices.
1794 J. Sinclair Statist. Acct. Scotl. XIII. 211 (Jam.) The scholars..pay..a Candlemas gratuity, according to their rank and fortune, from 5s. even as far as 5 guineas, when there is a keen competition for the Candlemas crown. The king, i.e. he who pays most, reigns for six weeks.1825 J. Jamieson Etymol. Dict. Sc. Lang. Suppl. Candlemas-bleeze, The gift made by pupils to a schoolmaster at Candlemas..; elsewhere, Candlemas Offering.1863 R. Chambers Bk. of Days I. 214/2 The latter part of the day was usually devoted to what was called the Candlemass bleeze, or blaze, namely, the conflagration of any piece of furze which might exist in their neighbourhood..Another old popular custom in Scotland on Candlemass day was to hold a foot-ball match..the Candlemass Ba', as it was called.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1888; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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