

单词 your elder

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your elder
b. Qualifying a comparative adjective or noun: than you. Chiefly with regard to age or status, as your better, your elder, etc.In quot. OE Old English yldra, lit. ‘elder’, is used (probably without full comparative force) in the sense ‘ancestor, forebear’.
OE Let. to Brother Eadweard (Hatton 115) in Old Eng. Newslet. (2007) 40 42 Ge..mid ðam geswuteliað þæt ge forseoð eower cynn and eowre yldran mid þam unþeawum.]
1481 W. Caxton tr. Hist. Reynard Fox (1970) 94 One..whiche..was your better and wyser.
1543 ( Chron. J. Hardyng (1812) 16 Vnto your sapience I wyll remember a notabilyte Of your elders rule and regymence.
1564 Briefe Exam. ******ij You shal not neede to terme your betters..to be enemies or shrinkers.
a1616 W. Shakespeare As you like It (1623) ii. iv. 66 Cor. Who cals? Clo. Your betters Sir. View more context for this quotation
1641 R. Brathwait Turtles Triumph 20 in Eng. Gentleman (ed. 3) Scorne to be Intruders in anothers right; or, in the confidence of your power, to crush your inferiour.
a1763 W. Shenstone Wks. Verse & Prose (1764) II. 152 Be cautious not to consider a person as your superior, merely because he is your superior in point of assurance.
1796 Sporting Mag. Sept. 305/1 You may scold sister Margery, an you will—she's your younger by a twelvemonth.
1820 Niles' Weekly Reg. 8 Apr. 106/1 All the officers of our grade, your superiors as well as inferiors, with the exception of one, who is your junior, concur in the opinion, that you ought not to be employed again.
1873 Sunday Mag. 1872–3 341/2 I pass to your brother—two years your younger and ten years your better.
1919 ‘R. Dehan’ Sailor's Home 140 I am your elder by a year or so.
1999 T. Goodkind Soul of Fire 60 I am acquainted with Sisters hundreds of years your senior.
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