

单词 wrong-jawed

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a. Parasynthetic, as wrong-ended (see A. 7c; hence wrong-endedness), wrong-hearted (hence wrong-heartedness), wrong-heired, wrong-jawed, wrong-minded, wrong-principled.
a1400 Octavian (Cambr.) 107 Moche sorowe deryth mee, That Rome schalle wrong-heyred [v.r. wrange-ayerde] bee In vnkynde honde.
1552 R. Huloet Abcedarium Anglico Latinum (at cited word) Wronge iawed, or hauinge the neither longer then the vpper iaw, bronchus.
1805 C. James New Mil. Dict. (ed. 2) (at cited word) The inhabitants of England and Ireland are seldom wrong-hearted.
1835 T. P. Thompson Exercises (1842) III. 275 Evidences of the wrong-endedness of a property-qualification, with which the British people are unhappily familiar.
a1849 H. Coleridge Ess. & Marginalia (1851) II. 88 His judgment of books is not so much superficial..as it is wrong-principled.
1883 Imperial Dict. IV. 669 Wrongminded, having a mind wrongly inclined; entertaining erroneous or distorted views.
1885 Cent. Mag. 29 910 Wrong-headedness may be as fatal now as wrong-heartedness.
extracted from wrongadj.adv.
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