

单词 worldwin

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C1. In Old English and (chiefly early) Middle English with adjectival force, in worldaught (aucht n.), worldcare, worldshame, worldwin (win n.2 2), etc.: of or relating to the material world, earthly, mundane; relating to secular life; (also) public. Obsolete.In some instances apparently re-formed in early modern English.
OE Ælfric Lives of Saints (Julius) (1900) II. 128 Aidan..ealle woruldcara awearp fram his heortan nanes þinges wilnigende butan godes willan.
OE Wulfstan Sermo ad Anglos (Nero) (1957) 271 Wala þære yrmðe & wala þære woroldscame þe nu habbað Engle eal þurh Godes yrre.
OE Nativity of Virgin (Hatton) in B. Assmann Angelsächsische Homilien u. Heiligenleben (1889) 119 Ða midþam þe he þas ðing wæs donde þus, þa micclode god his woruldæhta, þæt on þa tid næs nan wer him gelic on Israhelum.
lOE Homily (Faust. A.ix) (Dict. Old Eng. transcript) Wa is woruldscriftum [OE Vercelli worulde sciriftum, c1175 Bodl. 343 weorldscryftum] butan hy mid rihte reccan.
c1175 ( Homily (Bodl. 343) in S. Irvine Old Eng. Homilies (1993) 197 Heore worldþrym swa rice ȝedwæscte, and ȝedwan.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 7513 & uss birrþ weorelldþingess lusst. forrbuȝhenn. & forrwerrpenn.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 12079 Off þatt hemm weorelldahhtess spedd. Aȝȝ waxeþþ mare & mare.
a1225 (?c1175) Poema Morale (Egerton) 363 in J. Zupitza & J. Schipper Alt- u. Mitteleng. Übungsbuch (1904) 90 (MED) Ne sceal ðer beo sciet ne scrud ne woruld wele nane.
a1225 (?OE) MS Lamb. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. 143 Þer scal beon worldwunne wið-uten pouerte.
a1225 (?OE) MS Lamb. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. 147 On twa wise Mon mei forlete world winne.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 4151 & æfter muchel weorld-scome wurð-scipe wurhten.
a1300 (?c1200) Prov. Alfred (Jesus Oxf.) (1955) 125 Alle world-ayhte [a1275 Trin. Cambr. werldes welþe] schulle bi-cumen to nouhte.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 13281 Petre and andreu..Wit a word þai left þair scipps tuin, For þat was al þair werld win [Gött. worldis win].
1611 J. Sylvester tr. G. de S. Du Bartas Deuine Weekes & Wks. (new ed.) ii. iv. 557 To go Raign in Heav'n (from World-cares free) The Crown of Izrael I resigne to thee.
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