

单词 word of mouth

word of mouthn.

Brit. /ˌwəːd əv ˈmaʊθ/, U.S. /ˈwərd əv ˈmaʊθ/
Forms: see word n. and of prep. and mouth n.
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding; originally modelled on a Latin lexical item. Etymons: word n., of prep., mouth n.
Etymology: < word n. + of prep. + mouth n., originally after post-classical Latin verbo oris, literally ‘by word of mouth’ (13th cent.), verbum oris, literally ‘word of mouth’ (12th cent.; earlier in longer phrases with a noun in the genitive or a possessive adjective, as verbum oris domini (Vulgate),verbum oris mei, verbum oris eius (both 4th cent.)).
1. by word of mouth.
a. By means of spoken words, as distinguished from writing or other means of expression or (in later use esp.) dissemination; orally.
the mind > language > speech > [adverb]
by word of mouthc1456
by tonguec1550
viva voce1581
ore tenusa1601
on the blob1851
c1456 R. Pecock Bk. Faith (Trin. Cambr.) (1909) 243 If the apostlis hadden tauȝt manye clerkis..the hool al ful feith bi word of mouthe principali.
1532 T. More Confut. Tyndales Answere iii. p. ccciii Saynt Poule delyuered vnto them many thynges to be kepte wythout wrytynge, and by worde of mouth onely.
1552 King Edward VI Chron. & Polit. Papers (1966) (modernized text) 131 The Lord Paget..declared effectuously his submission by word of mouth and delivered it in writing.
1598 R. Bernard tr. Terence Hecyra i. ii, in Terence in Eng. 339 It cannot be told by word of mouth, howe desirous I was to returne hither againe.
1638 D. Featley Stricturæ in Lyndomastygem ii. 121 in H. Lynde Case for Spectacles Pretending I know not what nuncupatory will by word of mouth.
1639 J. Taylor Part Summers Trav. 44 They can flatter..with Pen, Picture, and by word of mouth.
1720 T. Gordon & J. Trenchard Independent Whig No. 6 Not content to abuse each other by Word of Mouth, they sometimes scolded in Writing.
1752 G. Berkeley Further Thoughts Tar-water in Wks. (1871) III. 498 Of this I have been informed by letters, and by word of mouth.
1766 D. Garrick Let. 6 Sept. (1963) II. 541 If you will send me a note of the particulars to my house in Covent-Garden, or leave them by word of mouth with Mr. Davies..I will make a proper enquiry.
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. II. vi. 96 ‘This,’ he said, ‘is not a court in which written charges are exhibited. Our proceedings are summary, and by word of mouth.’
1883 D. C. Murray Hearts (1885) xxxiv. 288 He would rather tell him of this by word of mouth than by letter.
1908 L. M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables vi. 63 We should have come to you ourselves and not left an important message to be passed along by word of mouth in that fashion.
1963 ‘D. W. Cory’ & J. P. Le Roy Homosexual & his Society xx. 245 The great bulk of publicity about the existence of homophile organizations..has been, of necessity, by word of mouth.
1994 Denver Post 10 Dec. b1/3 Arapaho history never was written but rather was handed down by word of mouth.
b. humorously, with reference to drinking: directly from the bottle or bowl, rather than from a glass, etc. Obsolete.
1688 T. Shadwell Squire of Alsatia v. i. 72 Here's the Bottle, lets drink by Word of Mouth.
1733 C. Johnson Cælia ii. 19 Come, drink by Word of Mouth, as the Saying is.
1738 J. Swift Compl. Coll. Genteel Conversat. 164 Come, Sir John, take it by Word of Mouth, and then give it the Colonel. (Sir John drinks.)
1793 T. Hastings Regal Rambler 92 Lord help them that must drink extemporeby word of mouth, my bold masters.
1835 W. L. Stone Mysterious Bridal 195 And so, Mister, won't you take a drop of whiskey, by word of mouth, out of this 'ere bottle here?
2. Oral utterance, testimony, or communication. Also in extended use (esp. with reference to advertising or promotion): informal communication of any kind between individuals (rather than via the mass media).
society > communication > information > publishing or spreading abroad > [noun] > publicity
word of mouth1578
1578 J. Bell tr. J. Foxe Serm. Christening Certaine Iew sig. D.vv How could he be termed poore, at whose becke and word of mouth, heauen and earth did obey?
1626 A. C. True Relation Sundry Conf. 53 [They] mutually confirme the authority of ech other (as a Kings Embassadors word of mouth, and his Kings letter beare mutuall witnesse of ech other).
1844 G. P. R. James Arabella Stuart II. i. 6 A vague and unsatisfactory confession of Lord Cobham, unsigned, taken down from word of mouth.
1926 Times 16 Apr. 12/1 (advt.) He has left us only his view of events—of necessity restricted, since his knowledge depended so much on word of mouth.
1950 B. Schulberg Disenchanted vi. 67 He tells everyone..that you're one of his favorite American authors and..that kind of word of mouth ain't bad.
1980 ‘D. Kavanagh’ Duffy iii. 43 The only way to get successful..was to work at being really efficient and then hope for word-of-mouth to back you up.
1995 Adweek (U.S.) (Nexis) 5 June The Web..provides nearly instant word-of-mouth through the use of e-mail.
2006 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 10 Dec. ix. 1/2 A kind of folk regimen that owes its popularity to word of mouth and the Internet.


General attributive.
1817 J. Shillibeer Narr. Briton's Voy. Pitcairn's Island v. 96 There seldom happens to be a quarrel,..and then, (using their own term,) is nothing more than a word of mouth quarrel.
1827 J. Bentham Rationale Judicial Evid. II. iv. v. 562 Word-of-mouth wills are, in certain cases, allowed by the Statute of Frauds.
1894 K. Hewat Little Sc. World Pref. p. xii The author has to acknowledge his indebtedness..for much word-of-mouth information.
1939 C. Morley Kitty Foyle (1940) xxx. 304 Never let it be named in advertising but kept on a word-of-mouth basis.
1984 A. Brookner Hotel du Lac i. 14 The only publicity from which the hotel could not distance itself was the word of mouth recommendations of patrons of long standing.
2002 Sight & Sound Apr. 72/1 The film had been an extraordinary word-of-mouth success both in France and internationally.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2008; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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