

单词 with goodwill

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with (also †mid) (a) goodwill
a. Enthusiasm, eagerness, zeal; readiness, willingness. Usually in with (also †mid) (a) goodwill: enthusiastically, eagerly; readily, willingly.
the mind > will > wish or inclination > willingness > [noun] > heartiness or zeal
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OE Ælfric Homily (Cambr. Ii.4.6) in J. C. Pope Homilies of Ælfric (1967) I. 359 We nu wyllað..hi [sc. the words] gefrætewian eow, þæt hi licweorðe beon to lare eow eallum, gif ge þæt gastlice andgit mid godum willan underfoð.
OE tr. Abbo of St. Germain Sermo in Cena Domini (Corpus Cambr. 190) in D. Bethurum Homilies of Wulfstan (1957) 368 Understandað, leofan men, mid godum wyllan [L. de bono animo] þæt þæt we eow willað secgan.
c1250 in Stud. Philol. (1931) 28 595 Herknet wel wid gode wille of godes wordes.
c1350 (a1333) William of Shoreham Poems (1902) 86 Þe man þat godes hestes halt, And þat myd gode wylle.
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) 1241 (MED) William wiþ god wille so wel þe duk hitt, þat þurth scheld & scholder þe scharpe spere grint.
a1425 (c1300) Assumption of Virgin (BL Add.) (1901) l. 745 Thei criede ‘mercy’ with good wille, Somme lowde and somme stille.
c1450 (a1400) Libeaus Desconus (Calig. A.ii) (1969) l. 1843 Lybeauus wyth good wyll Jnto hys sadell gan skyll And a launce yn hond he hent.
1486 Bk. St. Albans sig. evv Iff ye se yowre howndes haue goode will to renne.
1585 R. P. tr. D. Ortúñez de Calahorra Second Pt. First Bk. Myrrour of Knighthood xl. f. 149v Ther was neyther of them, but with a verie good will wold haue throwen himselfe along vppon the grounde to haue taken some rest.
1660 F. Brooke tr. V. Le Blanc World Surveyed iii. xvi. 401 If they get any thing that is good, they call in their neighbours, and make merry together,..and eat what they finde, with a good will.
1732 Hive IV. 172 Come, sweet! be not shy, On your true-love rely; Come, with hearty good-will let's agree.
1805 W. Wordsworth Waggoner i. 40 The Horses have worked with right good-will.
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. II. vi. 151 He set himself, therefore, to labour, with real good will.
1898 International July 41/2 She drew an ottoman up to the table on which I placed the tray, and fell to with right good will.
1922 M. Hale Beautiful Girlhood 73 It is a pleasure to watch a girl wash dishes or sweep a floor if she does it with a hearty good-will.
2006 V. Deloria World we used to live In ii. 59 The medicine-men sang with a good will the mystery song appropriate to the occasion.
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