

单词 white water

white watern.

Brit. /ˈwʌɪt ˌwɔːtə/, U.S. /ˈ(h)waɪt ˌwɔdər/, /ˈ(h)waɪt ˌwɑdər/
Forms: see white adj. and n. and water n.
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: white adj., water n.
Etymology: < white adj. + water n.
1. Turbulent, foamy water such as that found in river rapids or shallows at sea. Also: clear, shallow water. Occasionally in plural.In some early quots. the meaning is unclear; some may illustrate sense 2.
the world > the earth > water > rivers and streams > system > [noun] > rapids
white water1482
the world > the earth > water > flow or flowing > wave > foam or surf > [noun] > white water
white water1482
1482 W. Caxton in tr. Higden's Prolicionycion viii. i. f. ccclxxxxjv Also in dyuerse places the Erthe caste oute whyte water [L. aquam albam], and stynkynge, whiche ouerthrewe and made to falle Castels and stronge places.
1587 W. Harrison Hist. Descr. Iland Brit. (new ed.) i. xi. 47/1 in Holinshed's Chron. (new ed.) I The more that this riuer is put by of hir right course, the more the water must of necessitie swell with the white waters which run downe from the land.
1607 W. Hawkins Jrnl. 7 Aug. in C. R. Markham Hawkins' Voy. (1878) 386 That night we came into white water.
1614 T. S. Briefe Treat. Fishing in Iewell for Gentrie sig. L2v The Leape net..is most commonly fastned to a leape, and laid in Mill dams, or in straight waters, after any fall of great rayne which maketh a white water.
1702 J. Leeds Jrnl. in Notes & Queries (1934) Sept. 15 185/1 You have white water 2 leags of shore.
1727 E. Laurence Duty of Steward 19 The great advantages which the Meadows near Rivers might receive by being flooded with Freshes and White-water.
1803 Naval Chron. 9 440 The Bahama pilots make a distinction of white water and ocean water, applying the former term to the shallow banks contiguous to many of the islands.
1837 R. Hamilton Nat. Hist. Ordinary Cetacea or Whales (Naturalist's Libr.: Mammalia VI) 160 The water by its [sc. the whale's] progress being somewhat disturbed, is known by the whalers under the name of ‘White water’.
1884 ‘H. Collingwood’ Under Meteor Flag xi. 86 Keep a cool head, for it seems to me that you've white water all round you, whichever way you shape a course.
1969 Motor Boating Aug. 118/2 The winning paddler combines a highly developed ability to read whitewater and..to utilize its forces.
2011 Welwyn & Hatfield Times (Nexis) 6 July Rafters take on the Olympic Course, navigating 300m of obstacles, drops, waves and fast-flowing white water.
2. Water made cloudy or milky, as by the presence of light-coloured sediment; spec. turbid, nutrient-rich water, typically yellow-brown in colour, characteristic of certain tropical and subtropical river systems (frequently attributive). Also: a river or ocean current carrying such water. Cf. black water n. 1.
1555 R. Eden tr. Peter Martyr of Angleria Decades of Newe Worlde i. iii. f. 16v The water of these streyghts..was white and thycke lyke vnto mylke, and as thowgh mele had byn sparkeled throwgh owte al that sea... Not longe after, he entered into a gulfe of whyte water [L. albidarum aquarum], lyke vnto that wherof we spake before.
1671 J. Ogilby America (new ed.) App. iv. 660 They steering their Course, came into a white Water, moved by a strong River from the Continent.
1761 tr. P. de Charlevoix Jrnl. Voy. N.-Amer. II. xxviii. 218 The Missouri..seems to enter the Mississippi like a conqueror, carrying its white waters unmixed across its channel.
1850 Footpr. of Travellers I. iv. 68 Black waters..have..a brown colour.., whereas the Lower Orinoco, and its tributaries, are white waters.
1872 Proc. Royal Soc. 1871–2 20 616 The sea about the reefs becomes milky from the stirring up of the deposit at the bottom; and this ‘white water’ is invariably drifted to the westward.
1933 Geogr. Rev. 23 374 The igapo, or flooded forest, is a characteristic feature of the white-water streams.
1991 T. A. Giovanetti Discus Fish 11/2 White water is very turbid, with very little visibility.
2012 N. Middleton Rivers: Very Short Introd. i. 25 White-water rivers are coloured by high loads of sediments transported from the Andes.
3. Water mixed with oatmeal or bran, used as a medicinal drink for livestock, esp. horses. Obsolete.
the world > health and disease > healing > veterinary medicine and surgery > [noun] > medicines or applications > medicines or applications for horses
white water1673
1673 R. Almond Eng. Horsman xxiv. 82 Give him sweet Hay and white Water.
1740 H. Bracken Farriery Improv'd (ed. 2) II. vi. 202 Let him drink warm Water with Oat-meal, or what we term White-Water.
1814 T. Peall Observ. Dis. Horse 187 Tepid thin gruel, white water, or (as some Horses will not touch these) plain water not too warm, should be presented to him in small quantities.
1864 R. Jennings Sheep, Swine, & Poultry ii. 79 Then..give a proper allowance of white water, with ground barley and rye.
4. The disease braxy (in sheep); (also) serous ascitic fluid resulting from this. Cf. redwater n. 1b(b). Now rare.
the world > health and disease > ill health > animal disease or disorder > disorders of sheep > [noun] > other disorders of sheep
winter rot1577
white water1743
hog pox1749
stinking ill1807
water sickness1807
black disease1906
pulpy kidney1927
blowfly strike1933
body strike1934
sleepy sickness1937
twin lamb disease1945
tick pyaemia1946
1743 W. Ellis Mod. Husbandman Oct. xvii. 99 Thousands of Sheep in some Seasons bring on the Rot, or red or white Water.
1801 Farmer's Mag. Nov. 372 The disorder..which in some places is called the blood or white water.
1888 J. Scott & C. Scott Blackfaced Sheep xxviii. 275 The shepherds report death from ‘white water’ in the abdominal cavity.
1918 Cornell Veterinarian 8 206 The essential tissue changes are the presence of a quantity of peritoneal exudate which is usually opaque, sometimes blood stained, and sometimes whitish in color, hence the local names of ‘red water’ and ‘white water’.
5. Whitish effluent from a paper mill, containing suspended paper solids. Frequently attributive.
the world > physical sensation > cleanness and dirtiness > dirtiness > dirt > [noun] > dirt removed in cleaning > trade effluent
trade effluent1886
trade waste1894
trades waste1895
white water1901
1901 Stevens Inst. Indicator (Hoboken, New Jersey) 18 256 A comparatively new departure in connection with the stock handling of a new book mill, is the use of a white water tank underneath the Fourdrinier machine. Into this is brought all the waste and drain water from the wires, suction boxes, etc.
1974 Jrnl. Water Pollution Control Federation 46 634/2 Wastewaters collected from de-inking waste paper, and excess whitewater from paper machines.
2008 R. K. Sinha et al. in J. I. Daven & R. N. Klein Progr. Waste Managem. Res. 51 All paper mills recycle and recover their intermediate and untreated effluents called 'white water'.
6. Environmental Science. In water resource management: water that falls as precipitation and then re-enters the atmosphere by direct evaporation from surfaces. Cf. blue water n. 4, green water n. 4.
2000 Physics & Chem. of Earth B. 25 200/2 White water is the part of the rainfall that feeds back directly to the atmosphere through evaporation from interception and bare soil.
2005 B. Gumbo Short-cutting Phosphorus Cycle in Urban Ecosyst. iv. 147 White water is sometimes considered as part of the green water, but that adds to confusion since green water is a productive use of water whereas the white water is non-productive.


C1. attributive.
a. having fast-flowing, turbulent, foamy water.
1894 N.Y. Times 29 Oct. 4/5 The water flows rapidly over a boulder-strewn bed—here forming a white-water rapid, there shooting in many branches among enormous granite boulders.
1948 Sat. Evening Post 23 Oct. 36/2 White-water rapids heavily sprinkled with boulders.
1987 P. C. Newman Caesars of Wilderness ii. ix. 236 He tackled the relentless Fraser with its perpendicular canyons and deadly whitewater shoots.
2008 S. Armitage Gig (2009) 167 Mile-high walls of glistening black rocks..bear down on mirror-lakes and white-water rivers.
b. specializing in, designed for, or taking place on white water (in sense 1).
1891 Forest & Stream 19 Feb. 98/1 Should the professional flash rider..think there is no skill in the lumber business analogous to that which enables him to sit out the antics of a bucking cayuse, he might get rid of the idea by watching the..‘white water man’..at his work.
1906 H. A. Auer North Country xv. 188 Chum's chief delight in the river is white water canoeing and she is never quite so pleased as when the canoe is leaping through a particularly rough bit of rapids.
1969 Pub. Amer. Dial. Soc. 51 1 The sport of whitewater kayaking was developed in the United States.
1977 Newsweek (Nexis) 18 July 60 A five-man Havasu white-water raft.
2007 Canad. Geographic Mar. 31/1 I do not know the difference between flatwater paddles and whitewater paddles.
white-water rafter n. a person who goes white-water rafting.
1973 Mountain Democrat (Placerville, Calif.) 31 May a2/1 Don't attempt to raft down any river on an innertube, and go with someone who is an experienced white water rafter.
1984 Field & Stream May 119/1 While the area is accessible to experienced white-water rafters.., the safest way in is on foot.
1992 A. Watts Climber's Guide Smith Rock 8 During high-water conditions, the Crooked River provides a challenge for the expert kayaker and whitewater rafter.
2003 Independent 12 July 10 The call of birds and the noise of the river below were only occasionally interrupted by excited shrieks from white-water rafters gyrating through the rapids directly below us.
white-water rafting n. the action, process, or sport of navigating (the rapids of) a fast-flowing river in a (usually inflatable) raft.
1966 TV Guide (U.S.) 12 Nov. 25/2 Unusual views of white water rafting are shown by Edward Dolder, deputy director, State Department of Parks and Recreation.
1979 Amer. Jrnl. Nursing 79 1656/1 There is plenty to do and see—water and snow skiing, white-water rafting, backpacking and camping.
1983 Times 6 Aug. (Sat. section) 2/5 White water rafting puts your heart in your mouth and keeps it there.
2012 Independent 16 June (Mag.) 54/3 Signing up for midnight white-water rafting had been a stretch in the first place—but I had imagined a big raft, me safely tucked in the middle somewhere.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2015; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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