

单词 web of cloth

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web of cloth
a. Woven fabric, cloth. Also: a piece of woven fabric; a piece of fabric in the process of being woven (also occasionally in web of cloth in same sense). Also in figurative contexts.In quot. c1275 gode webbe has the sense ‘fine or costly cloth’. It is apparently to be taken as two words here, but reflects reanalysis of an earlier compound; see discussion in etymology.
the world > textiles and clothing > textiles > textile fabric or an article of textile fabric > textile fabric > textile fabric manufactured in specific way > [noun] > woven
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OE Prognostics (Tiber.) (2007) 319 Tela quicumque texerit & letitiam siue tristitiam uiderit bonum nuntium significat : webbu swa wilc swa wyfð & blisse oððe unrotnysse gesihð god ærende g[etacnað].
OE tr. Defensor Liber Scintillarum (1969) lxxx. 411 Tela enim consummatur filis et uita hominis extollitur diebus singulis : webb soþlice byþ gefylled mid þrædum & lif mannes byþ upp ahafen on dagum syndrigum.
OE Ælfric Homily (Hatton 114) in J. C. Pope Homilies of Ælfric (1968) II. 745 Ða het Aurelianus on hengenne afæstnien þone halgan wer, and aðenian his lima swa swa man webb tyht.
a1225 (c1200) Vices & Virtues (1888) 39 Al swa nan webb ne mai bien iweuen wið-uten twa beames.
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 240 Wule anweb beon anchere wel ibleached wið an water.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 9953 Iscrud mid gode webbe.
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(1)) (1850) Job vii. 6 My daȝes swiftliere passiden than of the weuere the web [L. tela] is kut of.
c1390 (a1376) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Vernon) (1867) A. v. l. 92 Þenne I wussche hit [sc. a newe Cote] weore myn and al þe web aftur.
?a1425 tr. Guy de Chauliac Grande Chirurgie (N.Y. Acad. Med.) f. 175v (MED) At last be þe puluer put in And a cloþ be infused, i. depped þerin, as a cered web or cloþe is made.
a1500 (c1340) R. Rolle Comm. on Canticles (Univ. Oxf. 64) in Psalter (1884) 496 The wefand that sheris down the web are it be fulfild.
1546 in J. Stuart Extracts Council Reg. Aberdeen (1844) I. 236 Ane vob of tartane, contenand x ellis.
1629 Orkney Witch Trial in County Folk-lore (1903) 3 78 Christane Reid in Clett cam in ane maid errand, seiking woft to ane wob.
1697 J. Dryden tr. Virgil Æneis ix, in tr. Virgil Wks. 483 Her Hand the Web forsakes.
1749 Universal Mag. Oct. 182/2 It is usual to range on both edges of the web a certain number of threads of either a different colour or substance, from those of the warp, which are called the selvage.
1791 W. Hamilton tr. C.-L. Berthollet Elements Art of Dyeing I. 133 Common woollen stocking web.
a1796 R. Burns Poems & Songs (1968) I. 456 I gaed up to Dunse, To warp a wab o' plaiden.
1813 J. Thomson Lect. Inflammation 283 Linen cloth is the web on which the plaster is commonly spread.
1815 J. Smith Panorama Sci. & Art I. 81 A whole web or piece of calico is printed by them in three minutes.
1857 Ann. Sci. Discov. 95 William Norton of York, Eng., has secured a patent for weaving two webs of cloth at once in one loom.
1909 R. Law Tests of Life xv. 312 The pattern of the cloth is more clearly displayed in the web than in the patch.
1973 S. E. Held Weaving 132/1 A web in which the warp yarns predominate is called a warp-face fabric.
1997 T. V. Kaufman-Osborn Creatures of Prometheus 277 Philomela weaves her story into a web of cloth.
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