

单词 walking together

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walking together
a. With following adverb, forming nouns of action corresponding to phrasal verbs, as walking about, walking around, walking in, walking together, etc. See also walking out n.
Promptorium Parvulorum (Harl. 221) 514 Walkynge abowte, or goynge, deambulacio, spaciatus.
1549 H. Latimer 6th Serm. before Edward VI (Arb.) 169 They hard hym quietly, with out any shouelynge of feete or walkynge vp and downe.
1684 J. Bunyan Holy Life 124 How far this is from walking together as heirs of the grace of life, is easie to be determined.
a1780 J. Harris Philol. Inq. (1781) iii. iii. 267 The System..of Aristotle..was called Peripatetic, from the manner in which he taught; from his walking about, at the time, when he disserted.
1857 C. M. Yonge Dynevor Terrace I. xix. 309 Their ‘walking together’ was recognised.
1882 R. Reid Let. 18 Aug. in E. J. Reid Judge Richard Reid (1886) xi. 143 After dinner the walking around in the parlor again.
1931 E. O'Neill Homecoming i, in Mourning becomes Electra (1932) 40 Hope you don't mind my walking in on you without ceremony.
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