

单词 wardmote inquest man

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wardmote inquest man
wardmote inquest n. (also wardmote quest) (a) a judicial inquiry made by a wardmote; (b) the body of men composing a wardmote; also attributive, as wardmote inquest man.
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > trying or hearing of cause > [noun] > judicial inquiry > by wardmote
wardmote inquest?1529
?1529 S. Fish Supplicacyon for Beggers sig. A5v Your grace may se whate a worke there is in London, howe the biβhoppe rageth for endyting of certayn curates of extorcion and incontinency the last yere in the warmoll quest.
1540 Act 32 Hen. VIII c. 17 §3 To enquire bothe in their Quarter cessions, and all wardemote enquestis to be kept within the Citie of London.
1542 H. Brinkelow Lamentacion sig. Biv Ther is a custome in the Cytye, ones a yeare to haue a quest called the warmal quest, to redresse vyces.
1598 J. Stow Suruay of London 176 Candlewicke street Warde..hath now..Wardmote inquest men 12.
1606 T. Dekker Seuen Deadly Sinnes London v. sig. F1 Fooles, In whose Ship whilest they all are sayling, let vs obserue what other abuses the Verdimotes Inquest doe present on the lande, albeit they bee neuer reformed, till a second Chaos is to bee refined.
a1637 B. Jonson Magnetick Lady i. ii. 28 in Wks. (1640) III For of the Ward-mote Quest, he better can, The mysterie, then the Levitick Law.
extracted from wardmoten.
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