

单词 veil of anonymity

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veil of anonymity
(a) With of and noun or noun phrase, esp. referring to a quality or emotion, as veil of secrecy, veil of ignorance, veil of anonymity, etc. See also Phrases 4a.
the world > space > relative position > condition of being external > covering > [noun] > a covering > concealing
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(1)) (1850) Wisd. xvii. 3 Bi the derc veil [L. velamento] of forȝeting thei ben scatered,..and with..myche w[o]ndring disturbid.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) i. l. 1899 (MED) Vnder curteyn and veil of honeste Is closed chaunge.
c1479 ( J. Lydgate Ballade in Despyte of Fleminges (Lamb.) l. 31 in Minor Poems (1934) ii. 601 Thou shewyng there a face ful benyg[n]e Vndyr a veyle of fals decepcioun.
?1551 A. Bacon in tr. B. Ochino 14 Serm. xi. sig. G.i God doth blynd men, when withdrawyng his lyght, he hydeth his face, and as Moses was vailed, so spredeth he the vaile of ignoraunce ouer the herte of the reprobate.
1584 R. Greene Myrrour of Modestie sig. B Susanna..woondered to see two of their calling so blinded with the vale of lasciuious lusts.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Merry Wives of Windsor (1623) iii. ii. 36 I will..plucke the borrowed vaile of modestie from the so-seeming Mist. Page. View more context for this quotation
1622 J. Reynolds Triumphs Gods Revenge: 2nd Bk. vi. 14 The better to cloke her malice, vnder the vaile of secrecie, she laments and complaines to her father of her husbands long absence.
1681 A. Wyndham Claustrum Regale Reseratum (ed. 3) 86 Striving to cover her trouble with the vail of chearfulness.
1719 E. Young Busiris ii. 19 That Chastity of Look, which seems to hang A Veil of purest Light o'er all her Beauties.
1769 W. Robertson Hist. Charles V III. viii. 77 Under whatever veil of artifice or secrecy the Emperor still affected to conceal his designs.
1823 W. Scott Quentin Durward I. viii. 186 Qualities which were even visible through the veil of extreme dejection, with which his natural character was..obscured.
1846 H. H. Wilson Hist. Brit. India 1805–35 II. iv. 150 [He] dropped the veil of Mahratta diplomacy, and gave utterance to his opinions.
1882 J. Hatton Journalistic London ix. 162 If the veil of anonymity were completely raised, other..names would appear in the list.
1941 ‘Faugh-a-Ballagh’ 34 46/2 Over his movements since the outbreak of war we must draw the veil of secrecy.
1997 C. Womack in W. S. Penn As we are Now 42 Since the fraternity members were protected by a complete veil of silence which the university had arranged, they had no opportunities to implicate themselves in the press.
2015 Toronto Star (Nexis) 20 May a12 A climate of fear that leads to self-censorship, adding to the veil of ignorance behind which the government operates.
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