

单词 out of the question

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out of (the) question
b. Outside or beyond the usual limits of (a process, condition, etc.), as out of comparison, out of doubt, out of measure, out of the ordinary, out of (the) question, etc.out of this world: see world n. Phrases 36.
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) 2234 (MED) Deliuerli þei hieȝed hem þider for drede, out of doute.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) iv. 679 (MED) Min herte..Som time of hire is sore adrad, And som time it is overglad, Al out of reule and out of space.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Trin. Cambr.) 13166 (MED) I aske þe nouþer hous ny londe Ny noon oþere þing out of resoun [a1400 Vesp. wit vnresun].
a1450 (?1409) St. Patrick's Purgatory (Royal) 65 (MED) Þese folk..dispendid here halydai in gloteny..takyng and fillyng hemself owte of mesure more þan hem nedid.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll.) 556 Whan Morgan le Fay saw hym dede, she made grete sorow oute of reson.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) 2 Esdras iii. 7 Of him came..people, & kynreddes out of nombre.
1551 R. Robinson tr. T. More Vtopia sig. Bi A man doubteles owte of comparison.
1581 J. Bell tr. W. Haddon & J. Foxe Against Jerome Osorius 136 b It is out of all controversie that Adam..was endued with wonderfull and absolute freedome of will.
1615 W. Bedwell tr. Mohammedis Imposturæ i. §10 That is out of doubt true.
a1667 P. Mundy Trav. (1914) II. xvi. 249 Wee stayed by this Towne..being out of possibilitie to attaine Jalore.
1722 D. Defoe Moll Flanders 329 Why look ye Mistress, says he, I won't be out of Reason with you then.
1807 R. Southey Lett. from Eng. III. 146 His celestial history is more out of the Common.
1893 Law Times 95 29/2 It was expected that the meeting..would be a little out of the ordinary.
1940 Aeronautics Nov. 44/3 Flight tests have shown that more than one glider can be towed by an aeroplane, so that a glider train is not out of question.
2002 Chicago Tribune 3 Mar. ii. 5/2 The study of all these records indicates that nothing out of the ordinary was taking place..on board the submarine.
extracted from out ofprep.
out of the question
d. out of the question: (originally) beside the point, not relevant to the matter under discussion; (hence, later) not to be considered or countenanced; impossible.
the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > impossibility > [adjective]
out of the question1607
1607 R. Parker Scholasticall Disc. against Antichrist i. i. 34 That [the sign of imposing hands] is effectiuely vsed, is out of the question.
1624 E. Forset Def. Right of Kings 25 This cunning and curious Composer of Bookes, and Contriuer of cases, doth in this his chiefe proposition, worke himself quite out of the question.
1670 T. Blount Resol. Jvdges Statutes Bankrupts 189 As to the second Objection, it was Answered and Resolved, That that was from, or out of the Question.
1700 J. Collier Second Def. Short View Eng. Stage 122 His Objection..is out of the Question.
1751 E. Haywood Hist. Betsy Thoughtless II. xvii. 206 A marriage with miss Betsy was, therefore, now quite out of the question with him.
1815 Baroness Bunsen in A. J. C. Hare Life & Lett. Baroness Bunsen (1879) I. iii. 88 To go on describing the different effects..is out of the question.
1878 R. B. Smith Carthage 210 The third alternative was no longer open..for retreat was out of the question.
1930 G. B. Shaw Apple Cart i. 17 You cant. You mustnt. Of course not. Out of the question.
1977 A. Ecclestone Staircase for Silence iv. 76 Anything like an attempt to impose a parochial structure, new or old, was out of the question.
1997 J. Ryan Dismantling Mr Doyle vi. 68 And the yellow and red checkered head scarf Mrs Doyle produced as a possible necktie was, he insisted, out of the question altogether.
extracted from questionn.
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