

单词 building-tree

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b. General use as a modifier designating materials used for building, as in building-board, building-material, building-stone, building-tree, etc.
1551 Acte conc. Citee of Chester sig. a.j The merchauntes..cannot haue recourse, ne liberall and direct passage, in, and vpon thesaied riuer, with their Cogges, Kielles, Boates, fleutes, of buildyng timber, fewell, and other timber for makyng of shippes.
1607 J. Norden Surueyors Dialogue 210 The Oke, Elme and Ash..indeed are building trees.
1790 Pennsylv. Packet 2 Jan. 4/4 Bourdeaux rough hewn building stone.
1849 E. Chamberlain Indiana Gazetteer (ed. 3) 191 Excellent building rock and hydraulic cement are found in abundance.
1897 Daily News 29 Nov. 2/5 Messrs. J. Glover and Sons, building material dealers.
1917 U.S. Patent 1,227,767 29 May 1/2 Building board is put in place on the outside of a house..or secured on the inside.
2012 C. M. Jerlecki Tales of Mich. 98 Although hampered by the rise in the cost of building supplies brought about by the Chicago Fire, work on rebuilding the city began shortly afterwards.
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