

单词 to stand a person in stead

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to stand (a person or thing) in (good, etc.) stead
(a) to stand (a person or thing) in (good, etc.) stead: to be of (good, etc.) use, advantage, or benefit to (a person or thing). Cf. to stand (a person) in (great, †no, etc.) serviceNow chiefly in to stand a person in good stead. N.E.D. (1915) noted that this phrase was now only ‘in literary rather than familiar use’.In earlier uses without good, etc., sometimes written or printed as to stand instead.
the world > action or operation > advantage > be advantageous or beneficial to [verb (transitive)]
to do (one) boot?c1225
to serve (one) in some, no stead1601
to stand to ——1841
to stand (a person or thing) in (good, etc.) stead1887
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1879) VII. 267 But for it stood hem but litel in stede [L. sed quia parum profecerunt].
c1390 in C. Brown Relig. Lyrics 14th Cent. (1924) 142 Strengþe stont vs in no stide.
?a1400 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Petyt) (1996) ii. 4960 Better is holy bede of man þat right lyues, & standes vs in more stede þan alle þe gode he gyues.
c1449 R. Pecock Repressor (1860) 514 If thilk gouernaunce..stondith to him in miche goostli stide.
a1500 (?c1400) Sir Gowther (Adv.) (1886) l. 717 He..stod pore folke in styd.
1539 T. Wriothesley in State Papers Henry VIII (1849) VIII. 160 Soo that his advise therein could stande them in small stede.
1577 M. Hanmer tr. Bp. Eusebius in Aunc. Eccl. Hist. iii. ix. 44 Iosephus him selfe, that hath stoode vs in so great steade, for the furnishing of this our present historye.
1662 B. Gerbier Brief Disc. Princ. Building 1 Some Principles thereon, which may stand the lovers of it instead.
1665 in Extracts State Papers (Friends' Hist. Soc.) (1912) 3rd Ser. 241 Our good intentions stand us in little stead.
1730 Let. to Sir W. Strickland relating to Coal Trade 25 It will therefore stand them in stead to consider, whether they be likely to gain anything by the Exchange.
1801 M. Edgeworth Forester in Moral Tales I. 112 That excuse shan't stand you in stead.
1887 W. Westall tr. ‘A. Laurie’ Capt. Trafalgar i. 13 Continual practice stood me in better stead than whole volumes of theory.
1902 Centenary Hugh Miller 79 Prior to the introduction of railways its [sc. Cromarty's] excellent harbour stood it in good stead.
2017 S. Westwood & S. Moss Wonderland 9 Rats have a highly developed fear of anything new or unusual..which stands them in good stead in a world where humans make every effort to kill them.
extracted from standv.
to stand (a person) in stead
(d) to stand (a person) in stead: to serve (a person) in place of something. Now rare.
1583 tr. P. van Marnix van Sant Aldegonde Pithie Exhort. Estate Christiandome 1 The examples of other mens perils and losses, being the moste faithfull teachers and expert guids of this present life, would make vs more warie and stand vs in stead of a rule whereby to direct al our enterprises, determinations, & the conduct of al our affairs.
1603 R. Knolles Gen. Hist. Turkes 801 They should..cloy the great ordidance [sic], that it might not afterwards stand the Turks in stead.
1849 Tait's Edinb. Mag. 16 58/1 Chemistry does not stand a man instead of dinner.
1893 Temple Bar Sept. 68 A down-drawing of the corners of her mouth that stood her instead of a smile.
1955 W. Gaddis Recognitions i. 35 She put aside the Bible only for..such recent prophets as stood her in stead of newspapers.
extracted from standv.
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