

单词 tenpenny nail

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tenpenny nail
5. As the second element of a compound, prefixed by a cardinal numeral (and without plural inflection), forming an adjective of value or price, spec. with reference to nails, denoting the original price per hundred, as fivepenny nail, tenpenny nail, etc., and later (after the falling of prices) coming to denote the size of the nail.For general uses, see fivepenny adj., fourpenny adj., sixpenny adj. and n., etc.
society > occupation and work > equipment > building and constructing equipment > fastenings > [noun] > nail > specific price or size of nail
tenpenny nail1426
tenpenny nail1426
threepenny nail1429
fourpenny nail1481
sixpenny nail1486
forty-penny nail1769
1426–7 in H. Littlehales Medieval Rec. London City Church (1905) 67 (MED) For iijc x peny nayl to þe vyse, ii s. vj d.; Also for iiijc vj peny nayl, ij s.
1484 in H. Littlehales Medieval Rec. London City Church (1905) 120 Item, for ij c di. iiij penye nayle, x d. Item, for di. c v d nayle, ij d ob. Item, for di. a c iij penye nayle, j d ob.
1669 J. Dryden Wild Gallant iii. 31 He plucks me out, I vow to gad I tell you no lie, four ten-penny-Nailes from the Dairy-Lock with his teeth.
1702 R. Steele Funeral i. 4 Have you the Hangings and the Six-penny Nails, and my Lord's Coat of Arms?
1798 J. C. Cross Raft i. 7 O'Bowling's a brave fellow to be sure, but no more to compare to he, than the smallest brad to a ten-penny nail.
1845 J. B. Buckstone Green Bushes ii. i. 28 All our stock of knives, ten-penny nails, and tobacco, to the very coat off my back.
1850 J. Greenwood Sailor's Sea-bk. 135 Nails of sorts are, 4, 6, 8, 10, 24, 30, and 40-penny nails, all of different lengths.
1990 Old-house Jrnl. Jan. 2/3 I had to..pull my right foot away..yanking it off a rusty 20-penny nail that protruded a good two inches.
2002 Esquire July 23/1 We tested the TiBone out recently on a bunch of 16-penny nails and a two-by-four.
extracted from pennyn.
tenpenny nail
tenpenny nail n. originally, a nail sold at tenpence a hundred: see penny n. 5. Now, vaguely, a nail of large size; in U.S. spec. a three-inch nail.extracted from tenpennyadj.n.
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