

单词 to swallow one's spittle

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to swallow one's spittle
b. In figurative or allusive phrase to swallow one's spittle: (a) in renderings of Job vii. 19, where the reference is to the difficulty of swallowing when in distress; (b) to restrain anger or other strong feeling, to repress the rising gorge. to swallow a camel, a gudgeon, a spider, a tavern-token: see camel n. 1c, gudgeon n.1 2b, spider n. 1d, tavern n. Compounds 4. to swallow the anchor, to retire from a sea-faring life; also transferred to have swallowed the dictionary: see dictionary n. 4.
the mind > emotion > suffering > suffer mental pain [verb (intransitive)] > manifest suffering
to swallow one's spittlec1400
the mind > emotion > calmness > self-possession or self-control > maintain self-control [verb (intransitive)] > restrain the emotions
to bite one's lip1330
to swallow one's spittlec1400
society > occupation and work > lack of work > [verb (intransitive)] > vacate an office or position > retire > from the sea
to swallow the anchor1907
c1400 Pety Job 40 in 26 Pol. Poems 122 Thow woldest suffer neuer more Me to swolowe my salyue?
c1421 26 Pol. Poems 108 How longe sparest þou me noȝt, To swolwe my spotel, bot it me gryue?
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Job vii. 19 Why goest thou not fro me, ner lettest me alone, so longe till I swalow downe my spetle? [Similarly 1611.]
1555 R. Eden tr. Peter Martyr of Angleria Decades of Newe Worlde ii. iii. f. 66 Owre men moued with greate hope and hunger of golde, beganne ageine to swalowe downe theyr spettle.
1579 T. Lodge Protogenes 11 Mithinks while you heare thys I see you swallowe down your owne spittle for reuenge.
a1592 R. Greene Sc. Hist. Iames IV (1598) v. sig. I3 None of you both I see but are in fault, Thus simple men as I do swallow flies.
a1640 P. Massinger Beleeue as you List (1976) i. ii. 157 Hee durst not stay mee. yf hee had, had founde I woulde not swallowe my spettle.
a1714 G. Lockhart in Lockhart Papers (1817) I. 221 [They] were resolved not to swallow a cow and stick at the tail; and as they had begun, carried on, and finished their projects.
1733 J. Swift On Poetry 9 And if you find the general Vogue Pronounces you a stupid Rogue;..Sit still, and swallow down your Spittle.
1907 J. Masefield Tarpaulin Muster xii. 129 An old sailor..had ‘swallowed the anchor’ in Colon.
1931 A. R. L. Gardner Art of Crime 253 We are glad to be able to quote these..words to..our readers who may entertain..fears lest the crook proper should one day ‘swallow the anchor’ and retire permanently from the stage.
1977 Islander (Victoria, Brit. Columbia) 22 May 6/1 But, now he had ‘swallowed the anchor’, he was a hard-headed business man.
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