

单词 to set a precedent

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to set a precedent
a. A previous instance taken as an example or rule by which to be guided in similar cases or circumstances; an example by which a comparable subsequent act may be justified. Frequently to set a precedent.
the world > action or operation > behaviour > a standard of conduct > [noun] > a pattern or model of conduct > a precedent
1427 Rolls of Parl. IV. 326/2 Ye Lordes Spirituel and Temporel..serched precydentes of the governaill of ye land in tyme and cas semblable.
1597 R. Hooker Of Lawes Eccl. Politie v. lxv. 168 That very precedent it selfe which they propose may be best followed.
1667 S. Pepys Diary 9 Jan. (1974) VIII. 9 The Lords did argue that it was an ill precedent and that which will ever hereafter be used.
1742 E. Young Complaint: Night the First 18 Be wise to day, 'tis madness to defer; Next day the fatal Precedent will plead.
1787 T. Jefferson Writings (1859) II. 141 They consider the North American revolution a precedent for theirs.
1842 Ld. Tennyson You ask me Why in Poems (new ed.) I. 219 A land..Where Freedom broadens slowly down From precedent to precedent.
1888 F. Hume Madame Midas i. i. 17 He promptly followed the precedent set by Oxford.
1923 E. Wharton Let. 19 May (1988) 467 Thereafter..came urgent letters, saying that a ‘Doctorat’ had never before been conferred on a woman by any big University in America, that Yale had created a precedent for me.
1950 Times 10 Jan. 7/4 Their opera did not fit into any recognized category and could not be approached with any operatic precedent in mind.
1996 Health Educ. Res. 11 260/1 Although market segmentation techniques are frequently applied to the promotion of consumer products, there are precedents for their use in social marketing contexts.
β. a1450–1500 ( Libel Eng. Policy (1926) 25 (margin) (MED) A story of destruccione of Denmarke for destruccione of here marchauntes, by a presidente of master Richard Barnett shewynge in a rolle.a1475 J. Fortescue Governance of Eng. (Laud) (1885) 134 (MED) Soche was þe sellynge off Chirke and Chirkes landes, weroff neuer manne see a president.1537 T. Cromwell in R. B. Merriman Life & Lett. T. Cromwell (1902) II. 102 The president were to yvel to be admytted.1584 J. Stockwood Sermon of Necessitie (title page) A president for all incorporations, to dyrect them in the Christian choice of a godly Magistrate.1628 O. Felltham Resolves: 2nd Cent. xx. 67 Saint Paul is president for it... There is a way to be pleasingly-plaine.1643 J. Milton Soveraigne Salve 4 By such a provision a dangerous president is introduced.1733 D. Neal Hist. Puritans II. 445 His Majesty's not interposing..was afterwards made use of as a president.
extracted from precedentn.
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