

单词 to play bankrupt

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to play (the) bankrupt
P2. to play (the) bankrupt: to fail to pay one's debts; to go bankrupt. Also: to use another person's money fraudulently; (figurative) to break faith, to deal falsely (with) (cf. sense 1a). Now rare.
society > trade and finance > management of money > insolvency > [verb (intransitive)] > become bankrupt
to play (the) bankrupt1548
to take Ludgate1585
to go down the weather1611
to break the bank1623
to go to the right shop1655
to swallow a spider1670
to march off1683
to go off1688
to break up shop1712
to go up King Street1864
to go bust1875
to go under1882
to belly up1886
society > morality > duty or obligation > recognition of duty > undutifulness > unfaithfulness > be unfaithful [verb (intransitive)]
to play (the) bankrupt1548
to play false1576
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VIII f. xvj Iherome Bonuise..had plaied Bankroute, and was conueighed out of the realme for debt.
1580 Order Prayer in W. K. Clay Liturg. Services Q. Eliz. (1847) 573 Till he have gotten great sums of money in his hand, that he may play the Bankeroute, to the undoing of such as trust him.
a1612 J. Harington Epigrams (1615) sig. B2 The last game now in vse is Bankerout, Which will be plaid at still, I stand in doubt, Vntill Lauolta turne the wheele of time.
1614 J. Sylvester Bethulia's Rescue iii. 70 And with th' Almighty playing banque-rout, With greater Rage his law they persecute.
1623 F. Bacon Let. to T. Matthew in Lett. (1763) 346 These modern languages will, at one time or other, play the bankrupts with books.
1721 A. Welwood Meditations 121 Our first Earthly Father played the Bankrupt with all, and left us poor, vile, miserable Wretches.
1741 D. Hume Ess. Moral & Polit. I. xv. 186 Absolute princes have also contracted debt; but..an Absolute Prince may play the bankrupt when he pleases.
1805 tr. D. Thiebault Orig. Anecd. Frederick II I. iii. 451 I have contracted debts in this country, and I expect remittances that will enable me to pay them: does the king wish me to play the bankrupt with his subjects?
1908 Pearson's Mag. June 603/2 Then Carr played the bankrupt and, a little later, went with his wife to Mexico.
extracted from bankruptn.
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