

单词 to stand in it

> as lemmas

to stand in it
b. intransitive. to stand in it: to remain steadfast or obstinate, to persevere or persist in one's course of action, belief, etc.; esp. (with clause, esp. that-clause, as complement) to persist in asserting, to maintain; similarly to stand in this. Obsolete.
the mind > will > decision > constancy or steadfastness > be constant or steadfast [verb (intransitive)]
to stand stiffa1290
to stand or stick to one's tackling1529
to stand in this1538
to set down (the or one's) staff1584
to stand one's ground1600
to stand to one's pan pudding1647
to maintain one's ground1736
to nail one's colours (also flag) to the mast (also masthead)1808
to stay put1843
to stand firm1856
to sit tight1890
to keep the flag flying1914
to dig in one's toes1933
to hold the line1956
the mind > will > decision > obstinacy or stubbornness > be or become obstinate or stubborn [verb (intransitive)]
to stand in this1538
to make it tougha1549
to ride rusty1709
to dig in one's toes1933
1538 Treat. conc. Gen. Councilles vi. sig. Ciiiv If a man wylle saye, and abydingly stand in it, that the byshop of Rome is heed of the vniuersalle Churche of Christe: it is not onely vntrewe, but it is also heresye.
?1571 tr. G. Buchanan Detectioun Marie Quene of Scottes sig. Eiiijv Quhen he had stoode in it a quhile and wald nat appeare.., at length constraynit with feare of exile and punitioun, he yelded.
1610 J. Healey tr. St. Augustine Citie of God xiii. xvii. 482 They stand in this also, that earthly bodies cannot bee eternall.
1682 N. O. tr. N. Boileau-Despréaux Lutrin iv. Arg. This Counter-Scuffle, I dare stand in't, The Goddess Discord had a hand in't.
1761 Gentleman's Mag. Sept. 401/1 Lubin went back very much confounded at having committed a crime without knowing it; for he always stood in it that they had done nobody any harm.
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