

单词 to one side

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to one (also the, †a) side
h. to one (also the, †a) side. Cf. on (the) one side at Phrases 1f(f).
(a) In one or other direction leaning away from the vertical or horizontal. Also in figurative contexts.
1559 P. Morwyng tr. C. Gesner Treasure of Euonymus 316 Inclining it now to one side, now to an other, gather all the drops together that cleue vnto the sides.
?1574 T. Hill Contempl. Myst. f. 66v Seneca nameth it an inclynation, in that the earth leaneth to one side, like a ship.
1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World I. 159 He..shall live in this world uprightly and in even ballance, without enclining more to one side, than unto another.
1650 tr. J. A. Comenius Janua Linguarum Reserata §538 Beginning to totter and reel (swerve and lean to a side) it [sc. a house] must needs be shored up with some arch.
1701 Candidates Try'd 4 Them who are against having the Constitution alter'd, and the Balance incline so much to one side.
1769 W. Falconer Universal Dict. Marine Parliament-heel, the situation of a ship, when she is made to stoop a little to one side.
1782 Monro's Anat. Human Bones (new ed.) 126 From each side..a bony bridge is produced backwards, and to a side.
1874 W. B. Carpenter Princ. Mental Physiol. (1879) App. 715 An immediate pleurosthotonos, or bending of the body to one side.
1894 S. R. Crockett Raiders 55 May Mischief seemed to incline her ear, tipping it a little to the side to listen.
1955 A. Atkinson Exit Charlie (1957) iv. 136 His black hat was very slightly tilted to one side.
2010 D. Hewson Blue Demon ii. v. 145 He adopted a pose—fingers tented, head to one side—that appeared very much that of an indignant academic.
(b) Out of the way; aside; spec. in a separate place, to be dealt with or considered later; out of account or consideration.
1601 tr. M. Martínez 9th Pt. Mirrour of Knight-hood xvi. sig. X4v For leaping a little to one side, the horse mist to runne vpon him, hee giuing a gallant blow.
a1688 J. Bunyan Israel's Hope Encouraged in Wks. (1855) I. 600 It would be too great a step to a side to treat of all those mercies.
1750 G. Neale tr. Mem. Royal Acad. Surg. Paris II. xxi. 541/1 If it [sc. the stone] is small, we push it to one side with the fingers, while we extract it from the other.
1786 C. Varlo Essence Agric. xxxi. 143 The boards being loose are quickly thrown to one side.
1828 D. M. Moir Life Mansie Wauch xxii. 333 ‘Keep to a side,’ cried Tommy Staytape, ‘for..Moosey'll maybe hae a pistol.’
1887 Contemp. Rev. Jan. 64 It must..be understood that I place his private character entirely to one side.
1963 Negro Digest Jan. 73/2 Russell came out then and stood over to the side while the others crowded around to shake my hands.
1988 B. W. Aldiss Forgotten Life iv. 101 George pushed his plate to one side and sipped his wine.
2004 D. Dalton Rough Guide Philippines 50/2 A place where class differences are temporarily put to one side and everyone wears flip-flops and vest.
(c) to take (a person) to one side and variants: to engage (a person) in a private conversation, esp. in order to warn or admonish him or her. Cf. to take (a person) on one side at Phrases 1f(f)(iv).
1634 G. Baker tr. A. Paré Apol. in T. Johnson tr. A. Paré Chirurg. Wks. xxix. 1166 The Prince.., drew me to one side, and askt me if the wound was mortall.
1668 F. Kirkman Eng. Rogue II. xxxvii. 356 He took me to one side, and privately told me all his design.
1799 W. Wennington tr. A. H. J. Lafontaine Man of Nature xlvii. 434 Russell took him to one side. ‘Hear me, my dearest William!’
1880 Testimony relating to Election 1st & 2nd Districts Ohio 154 in U.S. Congress. Serial Set (46th Congr., 2nd Sess.: House of Representatives Misc. Doc. 23) II He was called to one side and informed that there was a lot of Kentucky fellows about the polls.
1917 Blacksmiths Jrnl. Mar. 26/2 It was with a sad and sorryful heart that I led Van to one side and explained things.
2010 A. J. Mackinnon Well at World's End i. 88 Maggie took me to one side and gave me another of her stern sisterly talkings-to.
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