

单词 to make head against

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to make head against
(a) to make head against: to advance against; to resist; to rise in insurrection or revolt against; spec. to resist successfully, to advance in spite of. Also †to make head to. Now rare.
society > authority > lack of subjection > rebelliousness > insurrection > rise against [verb (transitive)]
to make head against1562
to lift at1647
the world > movement > motion in a certain direction > forward movement > move or cause to move forward or advance [verb (transitive)] > advance in spite of
to bear head againsta1596
to make head against1841
1562 J. Shute in tr. A. Cambini in Two Comm. Turcks ii. f. 9v No man paine of lyfe take anye spoyle, so longe as one enemie shal make hedde against vs, vntyl the battayle be ended.
1577 R. Holinshed Hist. Irelande i. 9/1 in Chron. I That..they might the better make head agaynst bothe Romayns and Brytayns.
1640 tr. G. S. du Verdier Love & Armes Greeke Princes i. 50 That done, he made head to the Giants, who battered him.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost ii. 992 That mighty leading Angel, who of late Made head against Heav'ns King. View more context for this quotation
1720 D. Defoe Mem. Cavalier 307 The Swiftness of our March..prevented all possible Preparation to oppose us, and we met with no Party able to make Head against us.
1735 tr. C. Rollin Anc. Hist. III. 277 The nobles of Athens seeing Pericles raised to the highest degree of power..resolved to oppose a man, who, in some measure, might make head against him.
1821 Ld. Byron Sardanapalus iii. i. 85 [They] make strong head against The rebels.
1841 C. Dickens Barnaby Rudge xxxiv. 129 They made head against the wind.
1854 F. I. Duberly Jrnl. 3 Dec. in Mrs Duberly's War (2007) 117 We, who are acclimatised, can hardly make head against the hardships of the life.
1927 H. T. Lowe-Porter tr. T. Mann Magic Mountain (London ed.) I. ii. 23 The labouring classes had begun to make head against the stout resistance of the free patriciate.
1958 R. A. Skelton Explorers' Maps ix. 195 These left unexamined..a vast area within which a ship could not make head against the westerlies.
1982 R. M. Scott Robert the Bruce viii. 80 It was to this province that..Bruce made his way, there to recruit an army to make head against an English invasion.
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