

单词 to live by

> as lemmas

to live by ——
to live by ——
(See also senses 2a, 3.)
intransitive. To have as one's guiding principle.
eOE King Ælfred tr. Gregory Pastoral Care (Hatton) (1871) xliv. 319 Ða eorðlican hlafordas sint to ðæm gesette ðæt hie ða endebyrdnesse & ða ðegnunga hiora hieredum gebrytnige,..& ðæt folc is to ðæm gesett ðæt hie scylen be hira rædum libban.
1580 J. Lyly Euphues & his Eng. in Euphues (new ed.) f. 20 Honestie my olde Graundfather called yt, when men liued by Law, not list.
a1716 O. Blackall Wks. (1723) I. i. 3 Rules..such as all that call themselves Christ's Disciples are oblig'd to observe and live by.
1841 T. Carlyle On Heroes i. 5 It is not easy to understand that sane men could ever..live by such a set of doctrines.
1939 G. Greene Confidential Agent i. ii. 77 You've got to choose some line of action and live by it. Otherwise nothing matters at all.
2008 Times (Nexis) 4 Mar. 15 Gangs become surrogate families offering leadership and protection and rules to live by.
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