

单词 to make a thing about

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to make a thing about (also of)
b. colloquial. A significant, notable, or sensational circumstance. In later use esp. in to make a thing about (also of) (colloquial): to preoccupy oneself greatly with (a matter); to make an issue out of, or exaggerate the importance of (something). Cf. something n. 4a, 4c.
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > conformity with what is known, truth > exaggeration, hyperbole > speak or do with exaggeration [phrase]
to go beyond the moon?c1430
to cast beyond the moon1559
to lay on load?1562
to lay it on with a trowela1616
all (his) geese are swans1621
to draw (also pull, shoot) the long bow1667
to lay it on thick1740
to sling (also fling, throw) the hatchet1778
to come it1796
to make a thing about (also of)1813
to draw with the long-bow1823
to pitch it strong1823
to overegg the pudding1845
to put (spread, etc.) it on thick1865
to god it1870
to strong it1964
to stretch it (or things)1965
the world > action or operation > doing > activity or occupation > occupy or engage (a person) [verb (transitive)] > engage in or busy oneself about > be greatly occupied with
to make a thing about (also of)1813
the world > action or operation > manner of action > vigour or energy > carry on vigorously [verb (transitive)] > make brisk or active > bring into a specific condition by bustling > treat in fussy manner
to make a thing about (also of)1813
to make a (also one's) meal of1961
1813 J. Austen Pride & Prejudice III. x. 188 It would have been such a thing for me! The quiet, the retirement of such a life, would have answered all my ideas of happiness! View more context for this quotation
1850 Fort Wayne (Indiana) Times 8 Aug. It was quite a thing for me to be in Boston and on Bunker Hill, and to see the sea.
1863 M. Oliphant Salem Chapel I. xii. 204 Oh, what a thing for me, Arthur, that you are grown up and a man, and able to do what is right in such a dreadful difficulty as this!
1934 E. Waugh Handful of Dust ii. 32 I know we aren't going. I'm not making a thing about it. I just thought it might be fun.
1952 E. Grierson Reputation for Song (1955) 22 Steady on, Laura... Don't let's make a thing of it.
1954 Times 25 May 3/2 It was quite a thing to be a member of Parliament.
1973 Ada (Okla.) Evening News 7 Mar. 6/2 President Nixon made something of a thing about reductions in his personal staff.
1993 V. Sage Mirror for Larks 14 The TV was making a thing of it, interviewing everyone they could find and calling it a concerted wave of néo-nazisme.
extracted from thingn.1
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