

单词 to have fingers made of lime-twigs

> as lemmas

to have fingers made of lime-twigs
d. to have fingers made of lime-twigs and variants: to be given to stealing; to be a thief. Obsolete.With allusion to the former practice of catching birds by smearing twigs with a sticky substance known as bird-lime: cf. lime-fingered adj., sticky-fingered adj. at sticky adj.2 Compounds.
1590 H. Smith Serm. Benefite of Contentation sig. C4v The couetous man seemeth to drawe the world to him with cordes, his coffers are of lode-stones, his handes like nettes, his fingers like lime-twigges.]
1596 J. Harington New Disc. Aiax sig. E4 A certaine Gentleman that had his fingers made of lime twigges, stole a peece of plate.
1676 C. Molloy De Jure Maritimo i. xiv. 129 There will be some amongst them that have heads of knavery, and fingers of Lime-twigs, nor fearing to steal that from their Prince, which is applicable only for the good of their Countrey.
1680 E. Cellier Malice Defeated 45 Before he was Seven years of age, his Fingers were such Lime-twigs, that he could not enter into any House but something would stick to them.
1706 W. Sheridan Several Disc. vii. 241 The Servants Fingers will be Lime-twigs.
1842 Northern Star & Leeds Gen. Advertiser 12 Nov. 7/5 By any means they may get money—hollow, rotten, slimy things are they, whose fingers are lime-twigs—whose tongues are forked.
extracted from fingern.
as lemmas




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