

单词 to lose one's head

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to lose one's head
j. to lose one's head.
(a) To have one's head cut off; to be beheaded (as a form of capital punishment). Now chiefly historical.
society > authority > punishment > capital punishment > execute [verb (intransitive)] > be beheaded
to hop headlessc1330
to lose one's headc1405
c1405 (c1385) G. Chaucer Knight's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 849 Namoore vp on peyne of lesyng of your heed.
1484 W. Caxton tr. Subtyl Historyes & Fables Esope ii. iii Which haue been cause of theyr dethe and to lese theyre heedes.
1533 T. Elyot Of Knowl. Wise Man i. f. 4v There was an ordinaunce made..that if any man of Athenes came in to that Ile, he shulde immediately lose his hedde.
1597 W. Shakespeare Richard III iv. iv. 229 Vp to some scaffold, there to loose their heads. View more context for this quotation
1644 W. Prynne & C. Walker True Relation Prosecution N. Fiennes 93 The Defendant..deserves to lose his head for yeelding Bristol up too soone.
1709 R. Gould Wks. I. 313 Why shou'd our Royal Martyr lose his Head And a Rump Senate Govern in his Stead?
1788 E. Inchbald Such Things Are v. iii. 69 An English prisoner, just now condemned to lose his head.
1801 R. Wilson Diary 4 July in Life (1862) I. iv. 200 He would rather lose his head than break his faith pledged to the Mamelukes.
1888 S. Baring-Gould Eve I. iii. 31 Copplestone..escaped losing his head for the murder by the surrender of thirteen manors.
1916 T. de Vries Holland's Infl. Eng. Lang. & Lit. xxvi. 219 He was now imprisoned as a spy; and was even condemned to lose his head by martial law.
1982 P. Carter Children of Bk. ii. 26 Any man who did not obey his orders would lose his head.
2002 Times 11 Feb. i. 15/1 The spot where Charles I was condemned to lose his head.
(b) To lose one's presence of mind or self-control; to become irrational; to panic.
the mind > attention and judgement > inattention > mental wandering > lack of concentration, distraction > be distracted [verb (intransitive)]
to lose one's head1798
1798 Substance of Rep. Court of Directors Sierra Leone Company 37 Though a headman, Pa Dembo had ‘lost his head’ by drink, and thus become ‘a boy’.
1815 Times 28 July 2/3 There is not the least doubt that this great man [sc. Napoleon] completely lost his head on the 18th Brumaire.
1850 Ld. Tennyson Princess (ed. 3) Concl. 174 The gravest citizen seems to lose his head.
1855 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. IV. 121 He lost his head, almost fainted away on the floor of the House.
1900 Daily News 2 Jan. 6/1 It is to be hoped that they will not lose their heads when the rifles begin to talk in earnest.
1954 H. Macmillan Diary 16 Nov. (2003) 365 I got shouted at so much in the second half, that I lost my head somewhat, sat down too soon.
2005 B. Keating & S. Keating Blood Sisters (2006) x. 172 I made a hash of it... Lost my head like an idiot.
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