

单词 to have oversight of

> as lemmas

to have (the) oversight of
a. The action of overseeing something; supervision, inspection; authority, management; (also occasionally) an instance of this. Also: supervisory responsibility or authority; custodianship, charge (esp. in to have (the) oversight of).
1413 in F. A. Page-Turner Bedfordshire Wills (1914) 20 (MED) I wolle þat..my Executours..ben resonnablich rewardede by ye ouersyȝt of my lordes þe surveours aboue written.
1427–8 in J. A. Kingdon Arch. Worshipful Company of Grocers (1886) I. 168 (MED) Item, For diuerse costis i doon be our maistir William Cambrigge and vs for diuerse necessaries and drinkyngs, rewards and ouersightes of the maistres masons and carpenters and werkmen.
a1500 ( in C. Monro Lett. Margaret of Anjou (1863) 18 Send sum trusty man for to go with hem, that may have the oversighte & gouveurnance of hem alle.
1526 W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfection iii. sig. KKiiiv To haue ye ouersight & instruction of nouices.
1584 R. Hakluyt in Writings & Corresp. (1935) 293 His sufficiencie hath so greately advaunced him, that the kinge hath geven him the oversighte of all the pilotts that saile to the west Indies.
1607 J. Cowell Interpreter sig. X3v/1 Deciners..signifieth..such as were wont to haue the ouersight and checke of ten friburgs, for the maintenance of the kings peace.
1647 N. Bacon Hist. Disc. Govt. 36 The smallest precinct was that of the Parish, the oversight whereof was the Presbyters work.
1694 E. Chamberlayne Angliæ Notitia (ed. 18) ii. xv. 218 He hath also the oversight of..Handicrafts, and Artisans..in the King's Service.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. at Assizer An Officer who has the Care and Oversight of those Matters.
1803 J. Bunting Let. 13 Dec. in T. P. Bunting Life Jabez Bunting (1859) I. xi. 220 That ministerial pastorship and oversight of the flock, which the New Testament enjoins as universally necessary.
1832 E. C. Wines Two Years & Half in Navy I. 30 The lieutenant on duty..is responsible for the deck while he has charge of it, and has also to take a general oversight of the ship.
1935 F. H. Hayward Alfred the Great xii. 81 There was no centralised mint and probably little centralised oversight.
1995 Times Educ. Suppl. 10 Feb. 18/1 Longer-term discontent will be subject to the oversight of an ombudsman.
extracted from oversightn.
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