

单词 to do homage

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to do (also make, render) homage
a. Formal and public acknowledgement of allegiance, by which a male tenant declares himself the vassal of the king or lord from whom he holds land; the existence of such a relationship, typically entailing payment, oaths of fidelity, or obligations of service (esp. military); an instance of this. Frequently in to do (also make, render) homage. Also in to take (also have) homage. to resign homage: to formally renounce such an allegiance.feudal, liege, plain, simple homage: see the first element.
society > authority > subjection > service > feudal service > feudal homage or allegiance > [noun]
society > authority > subjection > service > feudal service > feudal homage or allegiance > do homage [verb (intransitive)]
to do (also make, render) homagec1300
to kiss the ground1589
society > authority > subjection > service > feudal service > feudal homage or allegiance > [noun] > one who > collectively
c1300 St. Thomas Becket (Laud) l. 600 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 123 (MED) Homage he scholde don to him.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) l. 7987 (MED) Þis Macolom..Dude king willam omage & bicom is man al out.
c1330 (?c1300) Guy of Warwick (Auch.) l. 1294 Mine men ȝe beþ & to me swore, Omage ȝe schul me þer-fore.
1399 Rolls of Parl.: Henry IV (Electronic ed.) Parl. Oct. 1399 1st Roll §59. m. 17 We be charged by hem..yelde yowe uppe, for alle the states and poeple forsayd, homage liege and feaute, and alle ligeance.
c1400 Brut (Rawl. B. 171) 255 An endenture was made of þe Scottes vnto Kyng Edward..in the whiche were contenede alle þe homages and feautes, ferst of þe Kyng of Scotland, and of alle þe prelates, Erles, and barons..wiþ her seals sette þeron.
a1425 (?c1350) Ywain & Gawain (1964) l. 1952 (MED) Þe erl sware..to be hir frende; Umage made he to þat hende.
1488 (c1478) Hary Actis & Deidis Schir William Wallace (Adv.) (1968–9) i. l. 116 King Eduuard..thar he gat homage of Scotland swne.
c1540 (?a1400) Gest Historiale Destr. Troy (2002) f. 83v Coronyd is the kyng this cuntre to weld Hade homage of all men.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry IV f. viij To resigne to hym all the homages and fealties dewe to him as kyng.
1597 J. Skene De Verborum Significatione (at cited word) Weemen makis na homage, bot onely fidelitie... Homage concernis service specially in weirfare, to the quhilk weemen ar nocht subject.
a1604 M. Hanmer Chron. Ireland 194 in J. Ware Two Hist. Ireland (1633) If the eldest sister should take homage of the yonger, she should be as a segnioresse to them all.
1670 J. Milton Hist. Brit. i. 24 He..gave them that Iland to hold of him as in Homage.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. at Parage When a Fief is divided among Brothers..the younger hold their Part of the elder by Parage, i.e. without any Homage or Service.
1742 J. Anderson Geneal. Hist. House of Yvery II. vi. iii. 48 He afterwards did Homage to the Emperor Henry the Fourth..for the Territories of Valenciennes, the Castle of Gant, Alost, and other Places.
1843 T. Carlyle Past & Present ii. xi. 127 Coming to do homage for his Father's land.
1856 Bouvier's Law Dict. U.S.A. (ed. 6) I. 588 Homage was liege and feudal. The former was paid to the king, the latter to the lord.
1867 E. A. Freeman Hist. Norman Conquest I. iii. 99 Homage was there; for the relation of every man to his Lord was a relation of homage.
1908 J. Curtin Mongols in Russia xvi. 368 Kazan rendered homage to the Grand Prince's leader by giving him two thousand rubles.
1967 J. R. Strayer in R. S. Hoyt Life & Thought in Early Middle Ages 62 Homages among the great were more like treaties of nonaggression than contracts for service.
1986 S. Penman Here be Dragons (1991) (U.K. ed.) i. iii. 62 He must do homage to Philip for his lands in Normandy and Anjou, accept Philip as his overlord.
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