

单词 to come forward

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to come forward
to come forward
1. intransitive. To approach; to come from the background to the front; to advance, proceed, progress.
the world > movement > motion in a certain direction > movement towards a thing, person, or position > move towards [verb (intransitive)] > move towards the speaker or this place
to come upc1390
to come onc1450
to come forward1518
to come along1590
to step up1660
the world > action or operation > continuing > progress, advance, or further continuance > progress or advance in an action [verb (intransitive)] > make progress or advance (of action or operation)
to go onc1449
to commence to, intoa1500
to get ground?1529
to come on1584
to gain ground1625
to gather ground1697
to make its way1711
to come forward1722
to turn a wheel1864
1518 W. Neville Castell of Pleasure sig. A.viv Come forward and be not afrayd your selfe to auaunce.
a1535 T. More Dialoge of Comfort (1553) iii. xxiii. sig. T.v Some by handy crafte..some by other kinde of liuyng aryse & come forward in ye world.
1628 World Encompassed by Sir F. Drake 8 All of these trees were euen laden with fruit, some ready to be eaten, others comming forward, others ouer-ripe.
1693 tr. A. W. Schowart Observ. Hist. & Geneal. 113 He gather'd a great Army..and came forward to Stoke.
1709 R. Steele Tatler No. 45 I heard the same Voice say, but in a gentle Tone, Come forward.
1722 D. Defoe Jrnl. Plague Year 143 The Plague was come forward in the West and North Parts of the Town.
1818 W. Scott Heart of Mid-Lothian viii, in Tales of my Landlord 2nd Ser. I. 228 He..came forward to meet him, with a self-possessed, and even dignified air.
1886 Bankers' Mag. June 528 Peas, beans, and white-strawed cereals are rapidly coming forward.
1914 A. W. Newman Dances of To-day iv. 56 He rises by coming forward on the left foot.
1993 ‘A. McNab’ Bravo Two Zero (1994) vi. 117 The APC..was using the machine-gun as a fire base instead of coming forward with the infantry and overwhelming us.
2. intransitive. To present oneself before the public, esp. so as to offer one's assistance or to give evidence.
the world > space > place > presence > be present [verb (intransitive)] > present oneself or itself
to make (one's) muster1419
to come fortha1535
to come forwards1550
to turn up1663
to come forward1683
to show up1827
to show the flag1937
1683 Tryal T. Pilkington 27* On the 24th of June I was here by order of Sheriff Shute after my Lord Mayor had adjourned the Court, and it was to call all men that were to Poll to come forward.
1766 J. Almon Hist. Late Minority (ed. 3) xxiii. 329 The Duke of Cumberland, who had not hitherto appeared in this last negotiation, now came forward; and applied to the Duke of Newcastle, Lord Rockingham, and others.
1783 W. Godwin Hist. Life W. Pitt vii. 213 In the following session, his lordship came forward, as the advocate of religious liberty, in support of a bill for the relief of Protestant dissenters.
1833 Times 1 Aug. 1/3 A spirit of combination among the ship-porters and quay men..deterred the witnesses from coming forward.
1889 Daily News 13 Nov. 3/3 I wonder some old vergeress did not come forward to claim the purse.
1958 ‘A. Gilbert’ Death against Clock vi. 89 Someone always comes forward in cases like these to say he..saw the dear departed with a gent.
1973 Sci. Amer. Sept. 169/2 Organized medicine came forward with a limited and preemptory plan of its own.
2011 Hull Daily Mail (Nexis) 1 Nov. 18 We are urging donors to come forward to help maintain blood stocks.
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