

单词 to change places

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to change places
b. to change places.
(a) Of two or more people or things: to exchange location or circumstances with each other.
1546 J. Heywood Dialogue Prouerbes Eng. Tongue ii. vii. sig. I.iiiv If you..long for chaunge in those cases, Wold to god he and you had chaunged places.
1635 T. Heywood Hierarchie Blessed Angells vii. 462 Vessus Marcellus..had two fields..; the one was a faire greene medow, the other planted with Oliue trees, which miraculously changed places; for the Oliue field was transported where the medow was, and the medow to the place where the Oliues grew.
1761 R. O. Cambridge Acct. War in India 134 He then made the signal for the Elizabeth and Tyger to change places in the line, apprehending the enemy's leading ship in the van might be an over match for the Tyger.
1821 Lit. Chron. & Weekly Rev. 1 Dec. 758/3 Change places, and handy-dandy! Which is the monkey? Which is the man?
1931 R. M. Eaton Gen. Logic 206 Obversion, also known as permutation differs from conversion in that the subject and predicate do not change places.
1996 F. Popcorn & L. Marigold Clicking ii. 203 It's often been expressed that if a man and woman could change places for a time, we'd be more sensitive to each other's problems.
(b) Of a person or thing: to exchange location or circumstances with another person or thing.
1534 J. Heywood Play of Loue sig. A.iiii Ye Stood in colde water all a day to the kne And I halfe the same day to myd leg in the fyer wolde ye chaunge places with me for the dryer.
1648 Bp. J. Hall Select Thoughts liii. 153 The Porters might not thrust in amongst the Singers, though perhaps some of their voyces might be more tuneable; neither might the Singers change places with the Porters.
1733 Capt. Downes All Vows Kept ii. ii. 21 (stage direct.) Ariomana returns, but changes Places with her Sister, standing now at the left Hand.
1759 A. Smith Theory Moral Sentiments i. §i. 3 It is by changing places in fancy with the sufferer, that we come either to conceive or to be affected by what he feels.
1864 Blackwood's Mag. 95 764 Do you believe that the Æsculapius would change places with him?
1923 Humorist 18 Aug. 88/2 If His Majesty's Government were to change places each week with His Majesty's Opposition, what difference would it make to His Majesty's Subjects?
1949 ‘T. Herrick’ Message From Dead in Planet Comics Jan. 24/2 My home planet that had changed places with the Moon.
2004 J. Weiner Little Earthquakes 57 He'd even changed places with me, giving me the window seat so that I could see California.
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