

单词 to breathe fire

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to breathe fire
a. to breathe fire.
(a) Of a mythological creature, esp. a dragon: to exhale fire, or appear to do so. Cf. fire-breathing adj. at Compounds 1b(a).
1544 A. Cope Hist. Anniball & Scipio xvii. 25 Whan at the fyrst they sawe as it were liuing thinges, breathynge fyre and flames, they stode as astonyed with the syght.
1577 S. Batman Golden Bk. Leaden Goddes f. 5v Mars was portraicted al armed, his Chariot was drawen with two horses breathing Fyer.
a1676 J. Dunton House of Weeping (1682) ii. 128 Looking into the Ditch, he spies at the bottom a terrible Dragon breathing Fire.
?1776 Mag. à la Mode 32/2 Scander and Ali are dispatched home in a chariot drawn through the clouds by dragons breathing fire at their nostrils.
1887 J. W. Buel Sea & Land 386 The dragon, or flying reptile, breathing fire and poisoning the air with its fiery breath.
1989 M. Hudson Our Grandmothers' Drums (1990) xii. 222 The dragon can breathe fire and disappear at will.
2007 T. Stouffer Compl. Idiot's Guide World of Harry Potter 34 In German mythology, the dragon is known as the ‘firedrake’, and in classic dragon form, it breathes fire, hordes treasure, and kidnaps fair maidens.
(b) figurative. To express oneself angrily, threateningly, or antagonistically; (later also simply) to be very angry. Also in elaborated variants, as to breathe fire and sword: to incite, urge, or agitate war, vengeance, or retribution; cf. fire and sword at Phrases 4h(a).In quot. 1610 with reference to the threat of hell or damnation; cf. fire and brimstone n. 2.
1610 D. Price Def. of Truth i. vii. 104 O avoide the heate of a Iesuite: he is hell fire, heaping powder, breathing fire, writing blood.
1699 tr. J. de La Bruyère Characters 222 Those who..enjoy the goods of fortune in a secure part of the Town, where there is no danger of their lives or estates, are the Men that generally breathe Fire and Sword.
1774 St. James's Chron. 27 Aug. Some are for making a Retreat..; others breathe Fire and Sword, and are for teaching the Americans Loyalty on English Gibbets.
1833 L. W. Bickley Zoe II. xiv. 144 Blunt John..might be there discerned, breathing fire and vengeance against the world.
1914 E. Wharton Let. 22 Aug. (1988) 333 So glad to get your letter by the belliqueux Henri, who arrived breathing fire the day before yesterday.
1938 C. Brooks Jrnl. 20 Apr. (1998) 204 Having successfully disarmed us they now breathe fire and slaughter.
1976 S. J. Perelman Let. 3 Oct. in Don't tread on Me (1987) 318 I guess you saw our Lil breathing fire on the front page of the Times.
2003 National Post (Canada) 5 June a7/1 After breathing fire in his first few speeches, the Newfoundland Premier has had a tough time selling his idea of a limited constitutional deal, in which Ottawa would cede partial control of fishery to the provinces.
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