

单词 to be in way of

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to be in (the, a) way of
(a) With noun or gerund as object of preposition. to be in (the, a) way of: likely to (do or achieve something), having a good chance of (doing or attaining something). Also to put (a person) in (the, a) way of. Formerly also †in way for. Cf. fair adj. and n.1 Phrases 1e.in any way of marriage: having marriage prospects (cf. in the way of marriage at Phrases 2f(e)) (obsolete).
the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > probability, likelihood > [adverb] > likely to do or obtain
in the way ofa1400
in state?1536
in a meana1552
in means1592
a1400 tr. Lanfranc Sci. Cirurgie (Ashm.) (1894) 306 If þou fyndist in a mannes body a lyme in wei of corrupcioun [L. in via corruptionis].
1477 Earl Rivers tr. Dictes or Sayengis Philosophhres (Caxton) (1877) lf. 16v The whiche ypocras seeyng the crafte of physike in weye of perdicion because alle his felawes were dede.
1482 R. Cely Let. 13 May in Cely Lett. (1975) 151 He askyd me hefe I wher in any whay of maryayge.
1625 F. Bacon Ess. (new ed.) 161 A Physician, that..is vnacquainted with your body.., may put you in way for a present Cure, but ouerthroweth your Health in some other kinde.
1677 in Hist. MSS Comm.: 12th Rep.: App. Pt. V: MSS Duke of Rutland (1889) 36 in Parl. Papers (C. 5889–II) XLIV. 393 Lord Mohun is now in a way of recovery.
1719 D. Defoe Farther Adventures Robinson Crusoe 121 Being very ingenious at such Work, when they were once put in the Way of it.
1719 D. Defoe Farther Adventures Robinson Crusoe 137 Seeing Things..in so fine a way of thriving upon my Island.
1729 W. Law Serious Call viii. 112 She has educated several poor children,..and put them in a way of an honest employment.
1779 J. Warner in J. H. Jesse G. Selwyn & his Contemp. (1844) IV. 259 You cannot expect a Dyer's letter from me, as your nephew Charles is so much more in the way of having authentic information.
1827 W. Scott Surgeon's Daughter in Chron. Canongate 1st Ser. II. i. 26 Mr Croftangry is in the way of doing a foolish thing.
1860 C. Dickens Uncommerc. Traveller in All Year Round 24 Mar. 513/1 Even then they might sometimes put themselves in the way of being blown into the Regent's Canal.
1885 Liverpool Daily Post 7 July 4/4 Diplomatic difficulties, which he hoped were in the way of solution.
1902 W. B. Yeats Cathleen ni Hoolihan 13 220 We might be put in the way of making Patrick a priest someday, and he so good at his books.
1944 J. T. Flynn As we go Marching ii. x. 165 What I am driving at is that we are in a way of doing for fascism what we began to do for the trusts in the early 1900s.
1998 J. Bossy Peace in Post-Reformation Pref. Thanks..especially to Amanda Lillie, who put me in the way of finding the Sansovino statue which appears on the cover.
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