

单词 to bear off

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to bear off
to bear off
1. transitive. To turn aside, repel (a blow or stroke); to ward off; (also) to protect from (adverse weather). Obsolete.In quot. a1713 in figurative context.
the world > action or operation > safety > escape > escape from [verb (transitive)] > ward off harm
to bear offc1380
to keep off1548
to fend back1877
society > armed hostility > military equipment > operation and use of weapons > stroke with weapon > strike with a weapon [verb (transitive)] > ward off stroke
to bear offc1380
c1380 Sir Ferumbras (1879) l. 572 (MED) Þe Sarsyn anon bar of þe stroke with ys scheld.
a1568 R. Ascham Scholemaster (1570) ii. f. 37v A demie, bukram cassok..which will neither beare of winde nor wether.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Tempest (1623) ii. i. 18 Here's neither bush, nor shrub to beare off any weather at all: and another Storme brewing.
1641 J. Milton Of Reformation 27 His Helmet, to beare off blowes in battell.
a1713 T. Ellwood Hist. Life (1714) xix. 305 The stubborn Quakers brake their Strength, and bore off the Blow from those other Dissenters.
2. transitive. Backgammon. To remove (one's pieces) from the board according to a roll of the dice, once all of them have been moved onto one's inner table (table n. 4b).
1550 J. Heywood Hundred Epigrammes liii. sig. Bviiiv I will no more plaie at tables with the: Whan we come to bearyng, thou begylest me, In bearyng of thy men.
1734 R. Seymour Compl. Gamester (ed. 5) I. 57 You play your Men as fast as you can, into his Tables..; which being done, you bear off your Men.
1850 H. G. Bohn et al. Hand-bk. Games iv. 435 If one player has not borne off his first man before the other has borne off his last, he loses a ‘gammon’.
2013 @Ensor42 17 May in twitter.com (accessed 19 Feb. 2019) A player can only bear off checkers once all of their pieces are in.
3. intransitive. Nautical. Of a ship: to move away from the land or another vessel.
1594 R. Bowes Let. 10 May (P.R.O.: SP 52/53) f. 48 The companye would not suffer him, and caused him to beare off untill the night was comed and the tyde paste.
1627 J. Smith Sea Gram. ix. 44 When she would not come neere the land, but goeth more Roome-way than her couse [sic], wee say she beares off.
1823 C. de Roquefeuil Voy. Round World 36 The depth, (sixty-four fathoms,) being too great to allow me to anchor, I bore off.
2015 ABC Premium News (Austral.) (Nexis) 26 Dec. We had to bear off to avoid a starboard-port collision.
4. transitive. To carry off (something stolen or won); to take away (a person) against his or her will. Cf. to bear away 1a at Phrasal verbs 1.
the world > action or operation > prosperity > success > make a success of [verb (transitive)] > win (any contest or prize) > win (a prize, etc.)
to bear awayc1325
to go away with1489
to carry away1565
to bear off?1615
to carry off1680
to take out1976
?1615 G. Chapman tr. Homer Odysses (new ed.) xiv. 364 Many games About Heroes Sepulchers, mine eyes Haue seene perform'd: But these, bore off the prize.
1813 W. Scott Rokeby iii. xxvi. 141 We are enow to storm the hold, Bear off the plunder and the dame.
1905 Edinb. Rev. Apr. 341 He captures a Chinese princess, and then in another expedition bears off a Nepalese princess; these were among the prizes of his fierce and gloomy reign.
2017 Western Mail (Cardiff) (Nexis) 22 Nov. 18 Teenage lads regularly raided the efforts of the competition.., bearing off their booty of fuel to be added to their own pyre.
5. transitive. Nautical. To push (something which is being hoisted or lowered) away from the side of a ship. Obsolete.
the world > movement > impelling or driving > pushing and pulling > push and pull [verb (transitive)] > push > aside
to bear off1627
the world > movement > motion in a certain direction > going away > causing to go away > command to go away [verb (transitive)] > drive away > by pushing
to bear off1627
1627 J. Smith Sea Gram. ix. 44 A ship boord, beare off is vsed to euery thing you would thrust from you.
1815 W. Burney Falconer's New Universal Dict. Marine (rev. ed.) 36/2Bear off the boat!’ ‘Bear off that cask!’
1915 T. J. Michie Treat. Law Carriers IV. vii. xxxvii. 3903 It is not the duty of a mate in loading casks of wine from a lighter,..to..bear off with his own hands the casks from the side.
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