

单词 to be at the bottom of

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to be at the bottom of
b. to be at the bottom of and variants: to underlie, to be the hidden source, cause, or originator of.
the world > existence and causation > causation > source or origin > originate or be a source of [verb (transitive)]
to be at the bottom of1650
1650 Severall Proc. Parl. No. 38. 551 The establishing of Popery, and the Catholique Cause, which is that indeed which hath laine at the bottome of all their acting.
1680 J. Butler Ἁγιαστρολογία Pref. sig. c4v The whole mat—[i.e. matter] is carried on by a good or ill Luck, and the hand of God is at bottom of that.
1683 J. Butler God's Judgements upon Regicides 24 The Scotish Rebels who were at bottom of all our Woe..have in some measure been whipt for so doing.
1711 R. Steele Spectator No. 43. ⁋5 We are by no means yet sure, that some People are not at the Bottom on't.
1714 F. Hare Diffic. & Discouragements 22 The devil is at the bottom of all you have been doing.
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. 387 The Jesuits were at the bottom of the scheme.
1866 Duke of Argyll Reign of Law vi. 349 That which is really at the bottom of all this ambiguity of language.
1942 C. Headlam Diary 30 July in S. Ball Parl. & Politics in Age Churchill & Attlee (1999) ix. 329 There is a great deal of caballing going on—Beaverbrook is supposed to be at the bottom of it all.
1995 Independent 14 Feb. 14/5 Your leading article..suggests middle-class attitudes of prissiness, prejudice and irrational fear to be at the bottom of it all.
2003 E. Hay Garbo Laughs xxxiii. 297 So this was at the bottom of it all: Leah had been waiting for them to offer her a home.
extracted from bottomn.adj.
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