

单词 the devil take you

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the devil take you
(a) In imprecations, wishes of evil, and the like, as the devil take you, etc. Cf. the devil take the hindmost at hindmost adj. 1b.Similar expressions occur with deuce, mischief, pest, plague, pox, etc.
the mind > language > malediction > oaths > [interjection] > religious oaths (referring to God) > referring to the devil or hell
fire and brimstone1608
the blazes!1818
blue blazes1818
hell's bells1847
to (the) blazes1853
hell's teeth1909
c1300 Havelok (Laud) (1868) 1188 Godrich hem hatede, þe deuel him hawe!
a1350 in G. L. Brook Harley Lyrics (1968) 70 (MED) Ichot þe cherl is def, þe Del hym to-drawe!
a1413 (c1385) G. Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde (Pierpont Morgan) (1881) i. l. 805 The wrecche is ded the deuel haue his bones.
a1450 York Plays (1885) 154 (MED) Þe deueles of helle ȝou droune!
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. xx. 232 The dwill he hang you high to dry!
a1525 Robin Hood & Potter in F. J. Child Eng. & Sc. Pop. Ballads (1888) III. v. 113 The deyell spede hem, bothe bodey and bon.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry IV f. xiiijv Saiyng, the deuell take Henry of Lancastre and the together.
a1616 W. Shakespeare As you like It (1623) iii. ii. 209 Nay, but the diuell take mocking: speake sadde brow, and true maid. View more context for this quotation
a1652 R. Brome Queenes Exchange (1657) ii. ii. sig. C 4/1 Now the Dee'l brast crag of him.
1738 J. Swift Compl. Coll. Genteel Conversat. 129 Here take it, and the D——l do you good with it.
1749 H. Fielding Tom Jones III. vii. xii. 94 The Devil take my Father for sending me thither. View more context for this quotation
1799 W. Earle Nat. Faults i. 5 Devil burn me, if Blarney O'Neale will ever act so rascally as to run away with your mistress.
1821 W. Scott Pirate I. ix. 215 ‘The devil take him!’ said Mordaunt, in impatient surprise.
1842 Ld. Tennyson Goose xiv, in Poems (new ed.) I. 233 The Devil take the goose, And God forget the stranger!
1922 Munsey's Mag. Jan. 754/2 Devil take you, imbecile! Show some sense, even if you have none.
1999 S. Lyngstad tr. A. Garborg Weary Men i. ii. 16 Ugh, the devil take this everlasting philistinism!
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