

单词 the devil finds work for idle hands

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the devil finds (also makes) work for idle hands (to do)
b. In a variety of proverbial phrases suggesting that trouble or evil arises from not being kept busy. In later use usually in the devil finds (also makes) work for idle hands (to do) and variants. [Originally with allusion to Jerome Epistles 125. 11 fac et aliquid operis, ut semper te diabolus inveniat occupatum, ‘do something, so that the Devil may always find you busy’.] In quot. ?c1225 showing a similar phrase in which fiend is used rather than devil.
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 309 As seint Ierome leareð, Neo beo ȝe neauer idel for ananrichtes þe feont beot hire his werc.]
c1405 (c1390) G. Chaucer Melibeus (Hengwrt) (2003) §625 Dooth somme goode dedes, þt the deuel, which is oure enemy, ne fynde yow nat vnocupied [c1460 Rawl. Poet. 149 idel].
c1450 (c1400) Bk. Vices & Virtues (Huntington) (1942) 27 For whan a man is ydele and þe devel fyndeþ hym ydel, he him setteþ a-swiþe to werke.
1690 J. Birdwood Hearts-ease in Heart-trouble 31 Idleness tempts the Devil to tempt us and trouble us: If we cannot find work for our selves, the Devil will make work for us.
1721 J. Kelly Compl. Coll. Scotish Prov. 221 If the Devil find a Man idle, he'll set him on Work.
1792 M. Wollstonecraft Vindic. Rights Woman 321 There is a homely proverb, which speaks a shrewd truth, that whoever the devil finds idle he will employ.
1842 Knickerbocker May 460 It is perhaps merely an illustration of the old saw, that the devil will find work for those who have none.
1848 Indicator Feb. 203 The boys are not permitted to idle away their time in the streets,..for the inhabitants firmly believe that ‘the devil finds work for idle hands to do’.
1956 Washington Post 30 Sept. e4/3 Although some may deride as outmoded the concept that ‘the Devil makes work for idle hands’ the essential truth of this adage may be found in the rising tide of robberies..and other antisocial pursuits.
1979 Vole June 31/2 Robert Dale Owen..came to question the desirability of this shorter working day on the basis that the devil finds work for idle hands to do.
2010 M. Horsdal Sweetness from Ashes ix. 114 My father had three brothers, and Grandad believed in keeping them busy. ‘The devil finds work for idle hands’ and all that.
extracted from deviln.
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