

单词 the psalms

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the Psalms
b. In plural (chiefly as the Psalms or the Book of Psalms). (The name of) one of the books of the Old Testament and Hebrew Scriptures, traditionally held to have been composed by King David, containing sacred songs used in Jewish and (later) Christian worship. In Luke 24:44, applied to the division of the Old Testament containing the Psalms; = Hagiographa n.
society > faith > aspects of faith > Bible, Scripture > Testament > Old Testament > divisions of Old Testament > [noun] > Psalms
the PsalmsOE
psalm songOE
psalm booka1200
psalter booka1200
OE (Northumbrian) Lindisf. Gospels: Luke xxiv. 44 Necesse est impleri omnia quæ scribta sunt in lege mosi et prophetis et psalmis de me : nedðarf is þætte se gefylledo alle ða awritteno sindon in æ moisi & witgo & salmas of mec.
lOE tr. Alcuin De Virtutibus et Vitiis (Vesp.) in R. D.-N. Warner Early Eng. Homilies (1917) 98 Hit is on sealmen gecweðen, ‘Se heage God gesihð þa eadmedan.’
a1325 (c1280) Southern Passion (Pepys 2344) (1927) 2109 (MED) Þat mot ffolffuld beo alle þing þat is Ywrite in Moyses lawe..And in þe psalmes of me.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Luke xxiv. 44 Alle thingis..whiche ben writun in the lawe of Moyses and in prophetis and in salmes of me.
c1450 (a1425) Metrical Paraphr. Old Test. (Selden) 9859 (MED) He made bokes thre..cantica canticorum..Ecclesiastecen..Proverbes and psalmes þen, as þei com forto be sayd in sere degree.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) To Rdr. In the Psalmes we lerne how to resorte onely vnto God in all oure troubles.
1581 Acct.-Bk. W. Wray in Antiquary (1896) 32 117 Another boke of St. Chrysostomes upo' the salmes.
1627 R. Sanderson Ten Serm. 238 The abridgement is short, which some haue made of the whole booke of Psalmes but into two words, Hosannah, and Hallelujah.
1673 R. Allestree Divine Autority & Usefulness Holy Script. 33 God by Christ will at last destroy these Heavens, and this Earth, and change them, according to that saying in the Psalms.
1706 A. Bedford Temple Musick vii. 126 If the Psalms could be turned into a Rhythmical Poesy, with the Alteration only of a few Verses.
1783 J. Wesley in Wks. (1872) IV. 245 His aggrandizing the Psalms..even above the New Testament.
1817 G. D'Oyly & R. Mant Bible II. Psalms Introd. The Book of Psalms..contains the productions of different writers. These..are called however the Psalms of David, because a great part of them were composed by him.
1896 W. F. Adeney How to read Bible ii. i. iv. 88 Even in the reading of the Psalms we cannot afford to neglect..the historical method.
1926 Amer. Mercury Apr. 432/2 A series of prayers and other pious passages, some taken from the Psalms.
1953 C. H. Patterson Philos. Old Test. x. 242 The influence of Jeremiah can be seen in many parts of the Book of Psalms.
1995 Independent 18 Dec. 16/3 He learnt Hebrew in order to translate the Psalms.
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