

单词 the navy royal

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the navy royal
a. Now frequently with the. Also with capital initial. The whole body of warships belonging to a ruler, state, or nation; (now usually) spec. a regularly organized and maintained naval force, esp. considered as comprising ships, personnel, maintenance systems, equipment, etc. Also (frequently applied to the English (historical) or British navy): the king's (also queen's) navy, †the navy royal, and also Royal Navy n. at royal adj. and n. Compounds 1. Cf. merchant navy n.This sense originated as a spec. use of sense A. 2a; early examples cannot always be discriminated clearly, as the evolution of standing as opposed to temporarily constituted naval forces occurred gradually through the Middle Ages.
society > armed hostility > hostilities at sea > navy > [noun] > the British navy
the king's (also queen's) navya1382
Royal Navy1583
the navy royal1601
the fleet1712
the senior service1899
silent service1904
society > armed hostility > hostilities at sea > navy > [noun]
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) 3 Kings x. 22 Þe naue of þe kyng bi þe se..ones bi þre ȝeer wente in to tarsis bryngynge þennes gold & siluer.
1435 Rolls of Parl. IV. 493/1 Bannyng [of English merchants] hath be, and is like to be, grete hurt to our soverain Lord, and to his Navye, and to al his Royaume.
1443 T. Bekington Let. in G. Williams Mem. Reign Henry VI (1872) II. 238 (MED) He was kept stille with thadmiral of thEnglish nauvie.
a1475 J. Fortescue Governance of Eng. (Laud) (1885) 123 (MED) With owt thaym all the kynges navey shallnot suffice to borde with carrikkes and oþer grete vessailles.
1483 in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eng. Hist. (1827) 2nd Ser. I. 158 The king shuld have a Navie upon the see, to shewe himself as a king.
a1513 R. Fabyan New Cronycles Eng. & Fraunce (1516) I. clxxxxvii. f. cxix Elfricus that than was mayster or Admyrall of the kynges Nauy.
1540 Act 32 Hen. VIII c. 14 The nauy..is..a great defence and surete of this realme in tyme of warre, as well to offende as defende.
1565 Act 8 Eliz. I c. 13 §1 The Maister, wardens, and Assystauntes of the Trinitiehouse..charged with the conduction of the Queenes Maiesties Nauie royall.
1601 R. Johnson tr. G. Botero Trauellers Breuiat 16 As touching their sea-forces (besides the Nauie Royall).
1648 A. Burrell Cordial Calenture 5 The Officers of the Navie did delusively cause Seaven great Frigots to be built.
1698 T. Savery Navigation Improv'd 8 I shew'd a Draught..to the Lords of the Admiralty... I was referred from them to the Commissioners of the Navy.
1702 T. Yalden Æsop at Court xii. 32 The Brittish Oaks our Nations Strength, and Pride, With which Triumphant o'er the Main we Ride: Insulting Foes are by our Navey's aw'd, A Guard at home, our dreaded Power abroad.
1719 W. Wood Surv. Trade (ed. 2) 55 The Tonnage of our Navy-Royal.
1765 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. I. 408 The executive power, which is limited so properly with regard to the navy.
1814 J. Austen Mansfield Park I. xi. 227 ‘It is the same sort of thing,’ said Fanny..‘as for the son of an admiral to go into the navy .’ View more context for this quotation
1840 Penny Cycl. XVI. 117/1 Alfred the Great was the founder of the English navy.
1878 W. S. Gilbert H.M.S. Pinafore i. 10 I polished up that handle so carefullee That now I am the Ruler of the Queen's Navee!
1910 Encycl. Brit. I. 819/2 The Federal navy had settled down to its..task of..hindering the creation of a Confederate navy.
1940 E. C. Shepherd Britain's Air Power 7 The Navy has its own air arm designed to work with the ships of the Fleet.
1963 Times 5 June 1/7 From..Plymouth..down long centuries sturdy men..have set sail in the proud ships of the Queen's Navee.
1981 Times 7 Apr. 6/7 The Russians..are keeping a weathereye on other navies.
2001 Pop. Sci. June 44/3 One reason the Navy is in the forefront is because the 1987..Treaty prohibits the United States and Russia from deploying some land-based cruise missiles, but there are no restrictions on sea-based systems.
extracted from navyn.adj.
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