

单词 to be shorter by a head

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to be shorter by a head
a. to make (also cut, etc.) shorter by a head and variants: to behead. Also to be shorter by a head: to have been beheaded.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VI f. clxvjv Beyng taken..was made shorter by the hedde.
1571 W. Baldwin et al. Myrrour for Magistrates (rev. ed.) f. 147v I made him to be tane, And without iudgement be shortened by the head.
1575 T. Newton Summarie Saracens & Turkes in tr. C. A. Curione Notable Hist. Saracens f. 135v Taking his chiefe Capitaine in the chase, [he] cut him shorter by the head.
1605 S. Rowley When you see Me sig. H4 Lets follow close To haue Queene Katherne shorter by a head.
1624 A. Darcie tr. P. Du Moulin Heraclitus 30 Many in Princes Courts put off their caps to them, whom they would gladly see cut shorter by the head.
1665 J. Crowne Pandion & Amphigenia 142 He slaughtered all that stood within the reach of his weapon, decollating some, making them shorter by the head, and dissecting others.
1793 tr. N. Bisani Picturesque Tour Europe xxxii. 148 They..made signs to us, that if we were seen by any one, they, as well as we, would run the risk of being made shorter by the head.
1806 J. B. Gilchrist Brit. Indian Monitor I. 258 A resident in Turkey will do well to learn the Turkish speech before he dabbles in mere Arabic lore, lest an insurgent rabble make him shorter by the head.
1878 A. H. Engelbach Danes in Eng. vii. 115 An thou brave thy King on this wise, thou shalt go back to thy father the shorter by a head!
1918 H. R. Haggard Moon of Israel (1920) xiii. 204 Be sure that I will remember your disobedience, and make you shorter by a head.
1999 D. Clemens & B. Purcell tr. E. Voegelin Hitler & Germans v. 193 [He] declared that people like Fleischer deserved to be made shorter by a head.
extracted from headn.1
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