

单词 thematic


Etymology: < Greek θεματικός, < θέμα theme n.: see -ic suffix.
A. adj. Of or pertaining to a theme or themes.
a. Of or pertaining to a subject or topic of discourse or writing.
the mind > mental capacity > perception or cognition > faculty of ideation > topic, subject-matter > [adjective]
1871 W. H. Hornblower tr. C. W. E. Naegelsbach Lament. Jeremiah 104/2 in P. Schaff et al. tr. J. P. Lange et al. Comm. Holy Script.: O.T. XII These introductory verses thus acquire a thematic character.
1957 N. Frye Anat. Crit. 367 Thematic; Relating to works of literature in which no characters are involved except the author and his audience, as in most lyrics and essays, or to works of literature in which internal characters are subordinated to an argument maintained by the author..opposed to fictional.
1974 R. Quirk Linguist & Eng. Lang. iv. 75 There is formulaic and thematic structure..yielding striking if controversial theories about the composition of early English poetry.
1979 Notes & Queries Feb. 63/2 The orientation of this anthology is essentially thematic.
b. Logic. Relating to or connected with the matter or subject of thought. Obsolete.
the mind > mental capacity > philosophy > logic > logical classification > [adjective] > relating to logical concept
1697 tr. F. Burgersdijck Monitio Logica i. i. 2 A System of Logical Precepts consists of two Parts, Thematick and Organic... The first is that which is imploy'd about Theams, and their various Affections, and second Notions, as about the Matter of the Instruments of Logick.
c. Psychology. Thematic Apperception Test: a projective test designed to reveal a person's actual social drives or needs by means of the theme common to the interpretations which he gives to each of a standard series of pictures.
the mind > mental capacity > psychology > psychology of personality > testing of personality > [noun] > projective test
Thematic Apperception Test1935
projection test1946
1935 Morgan & Murray in Arch. Neurol. & Psychiatry (Chicago) 34 289 (title) Method for investigating fantasies. The Thematic Apperception Test.
1938 H. A. Murray Explorations in Personality vi. 531 As the subjects who took this test were asked to interpret each picture—that is, to apperceive the plot or dramatic structure exhibited by each picture—we named it the ‘Thematic Apperception Test’.
1957 P. Lafitte Person in Psychol. 120 The Thematic Apperception Test is more abstract because of the deliberate vagueness of its pictures as well as the fantastic nature of some.
1981 L. Kristal et al. ABC Psychol. 189 Two of the best known projective tests are the Thematic Apperception Test..and the Rorschach Inkblot Test.
d. Philately. Applied to the collecting of stamps with designs which relate to the same subject, or to such a collection.
society > leisure > entertainment > pastimes > hobby > collecting stamps > [adjective] > type of collection
1951 R. J. Sutton Stamp Collector's Encycl. 231 Thematic Collecting: Collecting to a theme or subject.
1965 E. H. Spire Adventures in Stamp Collecting ix. 111 It was..only a logical development from selected collecting that brought about the advent of Thematic Philately.
1965 E. H. Spire Adventures in Stamp Collecting ix. 111 Collections of stamps depicting animals, flowers, ships, railways..and so on, are described as ‘thematic’.
1972 Police Rev. 1 Dec. 1558 The American Topical Society has recorded more than one thousand subjects for thematic stamp collecting.
e. Linguistics. Of, pertaining to, or designating the theme of a sentence: see theme n. 1d.
the mind > language > linguistics > study of grammar > syntax or word order > syntactic unit or constituent > [adjective] > relating to theme or rheme
1959 J. Firbas in Brno Stud. in Eng. 1 39 The thematic elements are less important..than the rhematic elements.
1969 K. H. Wagner Generative Gram. Stud. Old Eng. Lang. i. 52 In interrogative clauses..the initial constituent must be regarded as rhematic rather than thematic.
1977 J. Lyons Semantics II. xii. 506 John Smith I haven't seen for ages. Here the grammatical subject is ‘I’, but the thematic subject is ‘John Smith’.
2. Music. Of, pertaining to, or constituting themes or subjects (see theme n. 4); relating to themes and their contrapuntal development. In thematic catalogue, thematic index, thematic summary, = containing the opening themes or passages of musical pieces.
society > leisure > the arts > music > piece of music > section of piece of music > [adjective] > theme
1864 Reader 21 May 660 A handy thematic summary of the work is given in the ‘Orchestra’ for last week.
1878 C. F. Pohl in Grove Dict. Music I. 66/2 The thematic catalogue which Mozart himself had kept of his works.
1906 Athenæum 1 Sept. 250/2 The thematic material has been carefully chosen, and its treatment shows thought and skill.
3. Grammar. Of or pertaining to the theme or stem-form of a word: see theme n. 5. Hence, of verb-forms: having a connecting vowel between the verb-stem and the suffixes or inflections. thematic vowel, a vowel which comes between the root and the inflections in a verb or noun, as the ε and ο in ϕέρ-ο-μεν, ϕέρ-ε-τε, the i, e, and a in Old English ber-i-þ, ber-e-þ, luf-a-ð.
the mind > language > linguistics > study of grammar > a part of speech > verb > [adjective] > with connecting vowel
the mind > language > linguistics > study of grammar > morphology > morpheme > [adjective] > relating to stem or base
1861 T. Goldstücker Páṇini 257 There must be reasons for this variety of thematic forms which constitute the declension of the same base.
1877 T. L. Papillon Man. Compar. Philol. (ed. 2) viii. 167 Curtius..explains the vowel in question as a ‘thematic vowel’, i.e. a suffix to or increase of the stem or ‘theme’ previous to the reception of the inflections.
1887 A. S. Cook tr. E. Sievers Old Eng. Gram. (ed. 2) 143 The thematic w being sometimes retained and sometimes lost.
1888 B. H. Kennedy Rev. Lat. Primer §148 (1900) 94 Verbs... In which the Verb-Stem was formed by a so-called Thematic vowel added to the root.
1894 W. M. Lindsay Lat. Lang. viii. 454 In Latin almost every athematic verb becomes thematic in 1 Sg. Pres. Ind.
1933 Language 9 82 The athematic verbs were primarily durative in aspect, while the thematic were momentary.
1933 E. H. Sturtevant Compar. Gram. Hittite Lang. vi. 217 There is also, as in I[ndo-] E[uropean], a distinction between thematic and non-thematic conjugation.
1955 T. Burrow Sanskrit Lang. vii. 318 The verbs are divided into two major types, (a) non-thematic..and (b) thematic.
1972 Language 48 389 Except for certain ‘thematic verbs’, which are exceptional, the presence of a post-position is mutually implicative with the presence of an ind. obj. morpheme.
4. Of or pertaining to the division of the Byzantine Empire into ‘themes’ or provinces.
society > authority > rule or government > territorial jurisdiction or areas subject to > an administrative division of territory > [adjective] > relating to division of Byzantine Empire
1911 E. Foord Byzantine Empire xi. 203 The army—The thematic system and its development—Organization, arms, equipment, and tactics.
1933 S. Runciman Byzantine Civilisation iv. 90 The thematic tax-gatherers took orders directly from the central government.
1980 C. Mango Byzantium i. ii. 46 The accepted view is that the ‘thematic’ reform was accompanied by a general fragmentation of the large estates.
B. n.
1. That part of logic which deals with themes or subjects of thought.
1891 in Cent. Dict.
2. Grammar. A thematic verb-form.
the mind > language > linguistics > study of grammar > a part of speech > verb > [noun] > verb with connecting vowel
1968 Language 44 717 The conventional view of the distribution of athematics and thematics seems to be that both types existed even in quite early Proto-Indo-European.
3. Philately. A collection of stamps with designs which relate to the same subject.
society > leisure > entertainment > pastimes > hobby > collecting stamps > [noun] > collection > specific type
1972 Police Rev. 1 Dec. 1572/3 It was known as United Kingdom Thematics 1972, open to thematic entries from anywhere.
1979 West Lancs. Evening Gaz. 6 Apr. 18 (advt.) Stamp collectors world-wide approvals and thematics.
4. plural construed as singular. A body of subjects or topics of discussion or study.
the mind > mental capacity > perception or cognition > faculty of ideation > topic, subject-matter > materials of topic > [noun]
1975 Amer. Speech 1973 48 125 Conklin's unique credentials..allow him to be catholic in his approach, both in terms of thematics and in his world-wide coverage.
1977 A. Sheridan tr. J. Lacan Écrits v. 149 The thematics of this science is henceforth suspended, in effect at the primordial position of the signifier and the signified.
1980 Encounter May 34/2 Even if Dr Henry Kissinger's picture of a world of ‘multi-polarity’ is more a neo-Bismarckian fiction than a reality, the confrontation of two Super-powers describes neither the thematics nor the structure of world politics today.


theˈmatical adj. = thematic adj. and n.
society > leisure > the arts > music > piece of music > section of piece of music > [adjective] > theme
1890 Athenæum 3 May 579/1 The thematical material in the four movements of the work is..interesting, and..the music is pleasantly unconventional.
theˈmatically adv. in a thematic manner; with respect to a theme or themes.
society > leisure > the arts > music > piece of music > section of piece of music > [adverb] > theme
1890 Athenæum 25 Jan. 125/2 Structurally as well as thematically we note a welcome advance towards clearness.
ˈthematism n. [ < Greek θεματισμός a laying down] Obsolete a placing, arrangement.Apparently an isolated use.
1729 G. Shelvocke, Jr. tr. K. Siemienowicz Great Art Artillery v. 334 The first then shall be the Thematism (from the Greek Word θεματισμός) which signifies the Decorum and Gracefulness of any Pile.
ˈthematist n. one who composes or writes themes (Ogilvie, 1882).
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1912; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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