α. 1500s their selfes, 1500s theyrselues, 1500s–1600s their selues, 1500s–1800s their selves, 1700s– theirselves, 1800s their-selves, 1800s– theirselfs (regional and nonstandard); English regional 1800s tharsilves (Cornwall), 1800s– thaayrzelves (Berkshire), 1800s– tharselves (Shropshire), 1800s– theerselves, 1800s– therselves (Wiltshire), 1800s– therzelves (Berkshire), 1800s– thurzelves (Gloucestershire), 1900s– theirzulves (Devon); U.S. regional 1800s tharsefs, 1800s– therselves, 2000s– their selfs; Scottish pre-1700 thair selffes, pre-1700 thairselffis, pre-1700 thair selffis, pre-1700 thairselfis, pre-1700 thair selfis, pre-1700 thair sellffis, pre-1700 thair sellfis, pre-1700 thair seluis, pre-1700 thair selves, pre-1700 thairselvis, pre-1700 thair selvis, pre-1700 thareselfis, pre-1700 thare-selfis, pre-1700 thare selfis, pre-1700 their selfis, pre-1700 there selfs, pre-1700 ther selffis, pre-1700 ther selfs, 1700s– theirselves.
β. English regional 1700s their sells (Westmorland), 1700s– theirsells (north-western), 1800s their selles (Yorkshire), 1800s thirsells (Northumberland), 1800s thirsels (northern), 1800s– theirsels, 1800s– theirsel's (northern), 1800s– theirzels (Somerset), 1800s– theirzuls (Somerset), 1800s– thersells (chiefly north-western), 1800s– thersels (northern), 1800s– therzuls (Somerset), 1800s– thorsels (Yorkshire and Northumberland), 1800s– thursels (Worcestershire and Northumberland); Scottish pre-1700 þair sellis, pre-1700 thair sellis, 1800s thair-sels, 1800s theirsells', 1800s– theirsells, 1800s– theirsels, 1800s– theirsel's, 1800s– thersels, 1800s– thirsel's, 1900s– dersels (Orkney), 1900s– thairsells, 1900s– thairsels, 1900s– their-sels, 1900s– theresels, 1900s– thersel's, 1900s– thirsels, 1900s– thursells, 2000s– thursels; Irish English (northern) 1800s– theirsels, 1900s– thirsels, 1900s– thirsel's.
γ. English regional 1800s– theersens, 1800s– theirsens (northern and north midlands), 1800s– thersens (Yorkshire and Lancashire), 1900s– ther-sens (Yorkshire), 1900s– thessens (Yorkshire), 1900s– thirsens (Lincolnshire).