

单词 theirs


Brit. /ðɛːz/, U.S. /ðɛrz/
Forms: Middle English þaires, Middle English þairis, Middle English þairs, Middle English þaris, Middle English þayres, Middle English þeires, Middle English þeiris, Middle English þeres, Middle English þers, Middle English þeyres, Middle English þeyrys, Middle English thayres, Middle English theiris, Middle English theres, Middle English theris, Middle English therys, Middle English theyris, Middle English yairs (northern), Middle English 1600s thaires, Middle English–1600s theires, Middle English–1600s theyres, Middle English–1600s theyrs, Middle English– theirs, 1500s thars, 1500s therse, 1500s–1600s theyr's, 1600s–1700s (1800s– nonstandard) their's, 1800s– deres (English regional (south-eastern)); Scottish pre-1700 thaires, pre-1700 thairis, pre-1700 thairris, pre-1700 thairrys, pre-1700 thairz, pre-1700 tharis, pre-1700 tharys, pre-1700 theirrys, pre-1700 theris, pre-1700 1700s– thairs, pre-1700 1700s– theirs.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymon: their pron.
Etymology: < their pron. + genitive ending -s; compare yours pron., ours pron., hers pron.1 Compare theirn pron.Compare also early Middle English eȝȝþerr þeȝȝress ‘of either of them’ in the Ormulum in which the genitive ending -s has been added to the whole phrase (see discussion at their adj. and pron.).
A. pron.
1. Equivalent to their with a noun supplied from the context. Frequently paired or contrasted with another possessive. maugre theirs: see maugre prep. 1a.
the mind > possession > possessions > [noun] > that which is one's own > that which is mine, ours, his, hers, or yours > theirs
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1969) Jer. xliv. 28 Whos sermoun be fulfild myn or þeiris.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 14132 A castel was bath his and þairs [Fairf., Gött. þairis; Trin. Cambr. þeires].
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Coll. Phys.) l. 22578 Vntil hir channel sal sco [sc. the sea] turne, And als til þayres [Vesp. þairs, Gött. þairis, Trin. Cambr. hores; c1460 Laud heris] ilk a burne.
a1450 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Lamb.) (1887) i. l. 11632 Þer nis no power to þeires liche [?a1400 Petyt non is þer pere ne to þam].
1542 in B. Cusack Everyday Eng. 1500–1700 (1998) 335 Praying myne exceketryx & oversears to be lovers to my sole as the wollde that I shold be to thars beyng in lyke kasse.
1567 R. Sempill in J. Cranstoun Satirical Poems Reformation (1891) I. 53 Ȝour strength to thairis on na way mycht be peir.
1600 B. Jonson Every Man out of his Humor v. iii. sig. Pivv Hee..oftentimes d'offeth off his owne Nature, and puts on theirs.
1769 F. Brooke Hist. Emily Montague IV. cxciii. 47 I am a most intolerable monopolizer of the sex; in short, I have very little relish for any conversation but theirs.
1853 W. Whewell tr. H. Grotius De Jure Belli III. 377 Theirs is the sounder opinion, who hold that such a grant continues.
1963 Times 23 Feb. 8/6 They toil not, neither do they spin, but Solomon in all his glory never had a rent roll to compare with theirs.
2002 New Republic (Nexis) 4 Nov. 27 One should never judge the meaning of the classics..on the basis of scholars such as that. Theirs was not a classicism that had a broad impact.
a. Those who are theirs; esp. those to whom they are closely related, their family or kindred. Frequently in they and theirs.
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1963) 2 Chron. Prol. l. 1 Evsebeus Jerome senden gretyng to þeiris in crist iesu domynyon & rogacian.
1426 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. Feb. 1426 §10. m. 2 Þat any of þe said parties, by þayme or þaires, procede.
1489 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (Adv.) iii. 745 That thai and thairis..Suld be in all thing at his will.
1532 R. Copland in W. Walter tr. G. Boccaccio Guystarde & Sygysmonde Lenuoy sig. D.ijv Desyre them..that no transgressyon By them nor theyrs, be made in ony clause.
1638 T. Herbert Some Yeares Trav. (rev. ed.) ii. 224 They and theirs shall enjoy such necessary summes as conduce to make them fortunate.
1722 R. Wodrow Hist. Sufferings Church of Scotl. II. viii. 422 Multitudes of them are now cast out of their Houses and Heritages, and they and theirs reduced to Beggary.
1823 T. Moore Fables Holy Alliance vi. 92 That they and theirs stood by the King, Throughout his measles and his chin-cough.
1908 Life 29 Oct. 454/3 They and theirs will vote for him..with the sort of doggedness that belongs to captured mariners whom the pirate captain has invited to walk the plank.
2003 High Country News 3 Mar. 5/1 If they are not consciously worried that they or theirs are about to be incinerated or poisoned, they are aware of the possibility.
b. of theirs: that is (or are) theirs; belonging to them (see of prep. 32).
c1425 (c1400) Laud Troy-bk. l. 3521 Thei..swor..That he scholde euere be on of thaires.
c1430 N. Love Mirror Blessed Life (Brasenose e.9) (1908) 197 A frende of theires.
1555 R. Eden tr. Peter Martyr of Angleria Decades of Newe Worlde iii. viii. f. 134v A childe of therse.
1564 Briefe Exam. ** This gaye booke of theyrs.
1692 R. Bentley Boyle Lect. ii. 26 These Atoms of theirs.
1769 E. Burke Observ. Late State Nation 86 No projects of theirs could endanger the concord of the empire.
1831 Society 1 ii. 16 An old acquaintance of theirs.
1958 Manch. Guardian Weekly 1 May 6/1 Customs officers..regarded it as no business of theirs to prevent the ‘boot-legging’ of the long-play records.
2011 Atlantic Monthly Apr. 94/3 This obdurate belief of theirs.
3. Predicatively: that which belongs to them. Also as antecedent to a following relative clause, equivalent to ‘of those’ (cf. their adj. 3).
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 6155 (MED) Left þai noght þar þat þairs was, Schepe ne ku ne ox ne ass.
c1400 (?c1380) Cleanness (1920) l. 1527 Heyred hem as hyȝly as heven wer þayres.
1484 W. Caxton tr. Subtyl Historyes & Fables Esope v. iii. f. lxxixv Telle to them, that it is thyn, and not theyrs.
a1500 (a1450) Generides (Trin. Cambr.) l. 2989 (MED) This day was therys, And A nother shalbe ourez.
1526 Bible (Tyndale) Matt. v. f. v Theirs ys the kyngdome off heven.
1676 J. Dryden Aureng-Zebe Epil. He more fears (like a presuming Man) Their Votes who cannot judge, than theirs who can.
1719 D. Defoe Farther Adventures Robinson Crusoe 53 The Island was theirs.
1855 Ld. Tennyson Charge Light Brigade i, in Maud & Other Poems 151 Their's not to reason why, Their's not to make reply, Their's but to do and die.
1952 T. Armstrong Adam Brunskill xv. 494 The manifold blessings which could be theirs if another company were absorbed.
1977 P. Kavanagh By Night Unstarred i. 25 Nearly all the lovely experiences of life are theirs who stand on the lower edges of existence, a little dissolute.
2001 B. Bandele in C. Achebe Things fall Apart (new ed.) Introd. p. ix The treasure trove known as Africa, which they considered theirs to share.
B. adj.
= their adj. 1. In later use only as the first of two or more possessives modifying a following noun.In Older Scots usually when modifying a plural noun.
the mind > possession > owning > [adjective] > own > his, her, its, or their > their
1498 in M. Livingstone Reg. Secreti Sigilli Regum Scotorum (1908) I. 34/2 A protectione to the Lord Setoun and all men that pas wyth him,..to be une-sumond, une-attechit, une-arrestit, in his or thairis persoun or gudis be ony of our officiaris or legis.
1507 Reg. Privy Seal Scot. I. 223/1 Al and sindri his and tharis landis,..stedynnis, store placis, grangis, [etc.].
1560 Inchaffray Charters (S.H.S.) 167 Als fre as..ouris or thairis granitaris or chalmirlanis..Josit brukit or intromettit with.
1562 W. Turner Bk. Natures Bathes Eng. Ded., in 2nd Pt. Herball For theyrs sake that are honest and vertuous men.
1652 J. Gaule Πυς-μαντια 274 The event fell out contrary to theirs, and according to the Apostles prediction.
1667 A. Marvell Let. 14 Nov. in Poems & Lett. (1971) II. 60 Upon the importation..into theirs or our Country.
a1774 O. Goldsmith tr. P. Scarron Comic Romance (1775) II. v. 54 He thought it both theirs and his duty to mount immediately.
1830 Evangelical Mag. & Gospel Advocate 28 Aug. 280/2 Leaving the issue of theirs and our faith and practice with Him.
1908 Our Jrnl. (Metal Polishers Union of N. Amer.) July 11/1 Our brothers across the line have theirs and our aim in view.
2010 J. Mumford Broke p. xii Steps that they can take to restore theirs and our financial stability.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2013; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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