

单词 tenant in dower

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tenant in dower
1. The portion of a deceased husband's estate which the law allows to his widow for her life. tenant in dower, the widow who thus holds land. †lady of dower, dowager lady.
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > marriage or wedlock > widow or widower > [noun] > widow > types of widow > widow with share of husband's property
lady of dower1439
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > marriage or wedlock > widow or widower > [noun] > widow > types of widow > widow with share of husband's property > widow's share of property
free benchc1436
terce land1552
widow right1569
free bank1606
widow's bench1673
widow's chamber1680
widow's terce1684
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > right to succeed to title, position, or estate > succession > [noun] > descent by inheritance > that which is inherited > widow's inheritance
free benchc1436
terce land1552
widow right1569
frank bank1598
free bank1606
widow's bench1673
widow's terce1684
1292 Britton i. vi. §5 Et voloms qe les femmes as felouns ne tiegnent nule terre en dowayre de nul tenement qe lour fust assignee par teus barouns.]
1439 in F. J. Furnivall Fifty Earliest Eng. Wills (1882) 115 Her part and dowyer of my godes.
1470–85 T. Malory Morte d'Arthur v. xii The kyng..assigned certayn rentes for the dower of the duchesse & for her children.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. cclxix. 399 He was before the castell of Perides, where as the Lady of Dowaire was.
1528 in J. Raine Testamenta Eboracensia (1884) V. 267 To Margarete, my wif, hir hoole dore of all my landes.
1629 Vse of Law 72 in J. Doddridge Lawyers Light Yet hee was not such a Tenant as to be seized of the Land, so as his Wife could haue Dower.
1767 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. (new ed.) II. vii. 116 The wife of the tenant in tail shall have her dower, or thirds, of the estate-tail.
1767 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. (new ed.) II. vii. 129 Tenant in dower.
1879 ‘H. Stretton’ Through Needle's Eye II. 40 Of course it will be burdened by a dower of £500 a year to our mother.
extracted from dowern.2
tenant in dower
b. With qualifications indicating the species of tenure, the relation between lord and tenant, etc., as customary tenant, kindly tenant, mesne tenant, several tenant, sole tenant, very tenant: see the adjectives. Also joint-tenant n.; tenant in burgage, tenant in capite, tenant in chief, tenant in common, tenant by courtesy, tenant in dower, tenant paravail, etc.: see these words, and quots. here. tenant through law of England = tenant by courtesy; tenant to the praecipe, a tenant against whom the writ præcipe was brought, being one to whom an entailed estate had been granted by the owner in order that it might be alienated by a recovery; see recovery n. 1.See also tenant at will n.
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > tenure of property > one who has tenure > [noun] > leaseholder or tenant
kindly tenanta1325
a1325 Statutes of Realm (2011) vii. 39 Þat is iseid for women holdinde in dowere, ant tenauns þoru lawe of Yngelonde.
1461 Rolls of Parl. V. 485/2 The same halfendele..enjoye to hym, for terme of his lyf, as Tenaunt by the Curtesie.
1475 Rolls of Parl. VI. 149/1 That the said Maude have..actions by Writts of Dower,..ayenst all persones Tenaunt or Tenauntes of the Frehold.
1495 Rolls of Parl. VI. 508/2 Discontinuances made by Tenauntes in Dower.
1602 E. Coke Rep. iii. Case of Fines 88 Entant qu'il ne fuit tenant al Precipe.]
1607 J. Cowell Interpreter sig. Sss3v Tenent per Statute Merchant.., that holdeth land by vertue of a statute forfeited vnto him... Tenent in frankmariage.., he that holdeth land or tenements by reason of a gift thereof made vnto him vpon marriage, betweene him and his wife... Tenent per elegit.., that holdeth by vertue of a writ termed Elegit. Tenent in mortgage.., that holdeth by vertue of a mortgage. Tenent by the Verge in auncient demesn..is he that is admitted by the rod in the court of auncient demesne. Tenent by the copy of court rolle, is one admitted Tenent of any Lands, &c. within a maner, that time out of the memorie of man, by the vse and custome of the said maner... Tenent by Charter, is he that holdeth by the feofment in writing or other deede... Tenent in cheife.., he that houldeth of the King in right of his crowne... Very tenent.., he that houldeth immediately of his Lord... For if there be lord Mesn. and Tenent, the Tenent is very Tenent to the mesn, but not to the Lord aboue... Ioynt-tenents.., they that haue equall right in lands..by vertue of one title... Tenents in common, be they that haue equall right, but hold by diuers titles... Sole tenent.., he that hath none other ioyned with him... Seuerall tenent, is opposite to ioynt tenents or tenents in common... Tenent al præcipe, is he, against whom the writ (Præcipe) is to be brought... Tenent in demesn.., is he that holdeth the demeans of a maner for a rent without seruice. Tenent in seruice.., is he that holdeth by seruice... Tenent by execution.., that holdeth land by vertue of an execution vpon any statute, recognisance, &c.
1818 W. Cruise Digest Laws Eng. Real Prop. (ed. 2) V. 333 So that he could make a good tenant to the præcipe.
1827 T. Jarman Powell's Ess. Learning of Devises (ed. 3) II. 113 It was held that the reversion in the settled lands passed, although the wife was tenant for life, and the daughter tenant in tail, in those lands under the settlement.
1844 J. Stephen Ess. Eccl. Biogr. (1850) I. 26 And held them [their crowns and mitres]..immediately, as tenants in capite, from the one legitimate representative of the great postle.
1863 H. Cox Inst. Eng. Govt. i. iii. 11 The right of all tenants-in-chief of the Crown..to be summoned to a common council of the realm.
extracted from tenantn.
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